2 Messages


80 Points

Saturday, December 28th, 2019 5:05 PM

10 days high fertility, no peak

Hi! New to this community. So happy to have found it! I'm 41 and have 4 children ages 21 months, 5, 6, and 8. I had 3 miscarriages Sept, Aug, and Oct. BFN Nov. I've been charting BBT, CV, and using CB digital OPK this cycle. I started testing on Cycle Day 9 and had 2 low days, followed by 10 high days but no peak. Based on CV and BBT alone, I should have peaked around CD 10-12. Is it possible I peaked but it was too low to register? Is it possible I'll peak later and need to continue testing? Or should I stop testing this cycle? TIA!

Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

5 years ago


Sorry to hear of your miscarriages. Ovulation is typically 12-16 days before the next Period, therefore if you have already seen 10 days of High fertility it can be less likely to see Peak after this, we would recommend to stop testing. Occasionally some women may have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect, or they may not ovulate during a cycle and therefore won't see Peak Fertility. This isn't unusual and may happen in approximately 8% of cycles.



2 Messages


80 Points

thank you for your condolences and sharing your wisdom, Sally!💕
