alice_dubuc's profile

2 Messages


130 Points

Saturday, January 11th, 2014 10:57 PM

2 LH peaks detected ?

Hi !
I've been using the advanced ovulation tests and got a very early PEAK reading on day 8. I didn't notice any fertile CM until day 11 and no BBT shift, so i started testing again with the OPK after the 48 hrs of solid smiley was gone. It gave me again 2 days of low, 2 days of high and now on day 15 reached peak fertility. Can you explain why i would get 2 LH peaks in the same cycle - which readings should i trust ??

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

Thanks for sharing your concern, Alice.  Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests are more than 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge that occurs before ovulation.  In order to help with your question, please let us know your usual cycle length, what day of your cycle you began testing, and whether you’re taking any fertility medications.  Thanks again!       

2 Messages


130 Points

11 years ago

Hi and thanks for your reply. I have a regular 26 day cycle, with ovulation normally detected around day 11 to 13 and do not take any medication. I started testing on day 7, got a high fertility reading, then peak at 8 - which seemed early... I then tested again since i didn't have a temp shift. Got a second series of low-high-peak reading up to day 15, and now got a temp shift on day 17, which leads me to believe i probably only ovulated on the second time, on day 16 ???

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

You’re welcome, Alice.  The first test in a cycle establishes a baseline and should be low fertility.  The digital holder is designed not to show high fertility (a blinking smiley) on the first test in a cycle.  Would you mind giving us a call at 1-888-698-5039 so we can talk through your questions?  We’re open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET and would be happy to help.  Thanks!    
