3 Messages
152 Points
30 day cycle with Peak during 2nd day of CBOPK
My husband and I have been TTC for 7 months using the calendar with now luck. I purchased the 10 test clear blue ovulation kit advanced. My cycle is 30 days, according to your directions my first day to test was yesterday I received a O on the test. I tested the same time today and relieved a Peak with smiley face. I am only 11 days into my cycle. I was surprised by the results as I was not expecting ovulation for at least 4 more days, so we went to the store and bought a different CB style kit and it showed negative results. I am very disappointed with the results of the test and that I have wasted money to get faulty results. I am not on any medications nor have I recently been pregnant and I have been off birth control for 8 months. Why do you think I got this result? If I wait 48 hours can I still test with the remaining 8 sticks in hopes for an accurate PEAK day?
597 Messages
6.4K Points
9 years ago
3 Messages
152 Points
9 years ago