meredith_epling's profile

1 Message


120 Points

Monday, July 20th, 2015 2:23 AM

7 flashing smiley faces in a row

I purchased the advanced digital ovulation tests, purple top, and have taken it every morning for 7 days. Every single test has come up with the flashing smiley face.. I thought it was supposed to be 2 days of flashing followed by a solid smiley face. Is something wrong with my test?
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597 Messages


6.4K Points

10 years ago

Hi Meredith - The number of High Fertility days displayed each cycle is personal to you and may be more or less than 2.  It’s normal for some women to see significantly more than 2
High Fertility days in all or some of their cycles - it does not mean your product is faulty.

7 Messages


160 Points

9 years ago

Hello - I have been using the digital ovulation test the third month and normally I get 1-2 days flashing smile and then a solid smile. This month I am on 7th flashing smile, what does this mean? When should I stop testing? Did I not ovulate?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

9 years ago

Hi Gigi - If you see more than 10 High Fertility days we recommend you stop testing for that cycle.  It could be that you didn't ovulate and therefore there was no LH Surge or it could also be that you did ovulate but the LH Surge was too low or short to be detected. If you are testing as per the instructions and have several cycles where you don't ovulate then we recommend you discuss your results with your Doctor.

7 Messages


160 Points

9 years ago

The monitor was blank when I inserted the strip, I have been testing on third cycle, fourth day, still low from third day.. What has happened? I have a new a new box of the digital ovulation test, shall I use it or gotta wait to next cycle cuz I haven't picked up the happy face!

1 Message


60 Points

7 months ago

This is the 2nd day of having blinking smiley face on my digital clear blue ovulation test, however before this I ad a solid smiley face on the screen on 06/16. I'm just at lost to if its normal to keep getting a blinking smiley face for two consecutive days regardless of having a solid smiley face just 6 days of having the solid smiley face. 

what could this mean?
