flavia_chiuppesi's profile

1 Message


120 Points

Friday, October 16th, 2015 3:43 PM

Advanced: From empty circle to smiling face! Plus blurry lines in the sticks!

Hi, my cycle is 26-28 days. I used Clearblue digital day 6 and 7 (empty circle) (I had 2 sticks left from my previous cycles). From day 8 I started with Clearblue Advanced a new package and new device. Day 8 and 9 I had empty circles. Day 10 I had a smiling (not flashing) face. Could I have missed the estrogen peak because I started using the Advanced monitor on day 8?
Another question, in comparison to the Clearblue digital where I could see very neat lines in the sticks when I removed them from the device, when I remove the sticks from the Advanced device I see a clear line on the right and a very blurry blue smear on the left of the window that covers another line more or less evident (I have pictures) even on the day of my positive smiling face. How can the reader analyze that mess? Is that normal or there is a problem with my sticks? Thanks
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9 years ago

Hi Flavia - Yes, we recommend sticking with a single Holder per cycle so changing Holders may explain the lack of High Fertility days.  The Holder is designed to display an error message if it's not able to read the test sticks so as you have a Peak result you can rely on it - the results can't be interpreted from the lines on the test stick.  There is no need to continue to test this cycle.  Wishing you lots of luck!