jasmine_vella's profile

2 Messages


150 Points

Thursday, July 30th, 2015 2:56 AM

Can I somehow set up the monitor on day 5 of my period??

I ordered a Clearblue Advanced Fertility monitor ages ago but only just received it today and I'm at the end of my period! :( My period started on July 25th in the afternoon and today is the 30th. I thought I'd be able to use it for this cycle (because I REALLY need to get pregnant this cycle if possible, otherwise we have to stop trying for awhile) but it won't let me set it up because it's not within the 1-4 day time frame from the start of my period. :( Is there any way I can set it up for the earliest possible day & time it lets me (the 27th at 12:01am) and just start taking the tests right away?? It will kindof be 2 days off, but won't it still detect when I ovulate?? I really can't wait another month to test because we need to try this month! Please Help. Thanks
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10 years ago

Hi Jasmine - It's only possible to set up the monitor on day 1-4 of  a new cycle - sorry!