taleisha_williams's profile

1 Message


120 Points

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 6:43 PM

Clear blue Advantage Ovulation trackers

I have been using the Clear blue Advantage Ovulation trackers, and this is my 5th day receiving the flashing smiley face, could I still ovulate with the flashing smiley face? and how many flashing smiley faces can I receive before I reach my peak, or at least missed ovulation as well?

83 Messages


890 Points

10 years ago

Hi Taleisha, thanks for your message.  The number and position of High Fertility days are personal to you.  We recommend intercourse on both High Fertility and Peak Fertility days to maximise your chances of becoming pregnant.  If you see 9 or more days of High Fertility it is unlikely you'll see Peak Fertility.  If this happens, feel free to give us a call so we can learn more.  You can reach us at 1-800-321-3279 and we're open Mon-Fri 08.30am-05.00pm ET.  Please quote reference 001714066A if you call us.  Wishin you all the best!