satya_vara's profile

2 Messages


140 Points

Saturday, December 20th, 2014 9:26 PM

Clear Blue Fertility Monitor

I am using Clear Blue Fertility Monitor since from 2 months . When I am tracking the details
1st Month

Day 6 to Day 21-Low
Day 22 to Day 25-High
Day 26-Low
No Peak

2nd Month-Dec
Day 6 to Day 11-Low
Day 12 to Day 26-High

I got bleeding on Day 26th . I was just wondering whether it is my period or implantation bleeding ? since my cycle is 31 Days length.

My Question is can I get my period when the Monitor shows High ?
Thanks in Advance!

2 Messages


130 Points

10 years ago

It can be implantation bleeding, but you can tell it by color. Usually implantation bleeding is not red like menstrual bleeding. It is either light pink or dark brown in color. Another thing is, it is not heavy, it is milder than your period . You can google it for more information.
To answer your second question, the chances are really low to get your period when it shows high fertility. You cant have high fertility symptoms so late in your cycle, since it us 31 day cycle.

465 Messages


5.8K Points

10 years ago

Thanks for choosing Clearblue, Satya.  It's possible that there may be a small percentage of cycles where you don't see Peak Fertility.  This can happen if a test was inadvertently missed or performed incorrectly, or if you didn't ovulate.  An unusually long or short cycle may also cause this.  If Peak Fertility is not detected, the monitor may show High Fertility for an extended period of time.  If this occurs, it's unlikely that you'll be fertile during this entire time.  If you don't see Peak Fertility over a number of cycles, you may wish to discuss this with your doctor.  We wish you all the best!