1 Message
120 Points
Clearblue Digital Advanced Ovulation Tests?
hello I am really confused with this clearblue digital advanced ovulation test, On monday i took a test and the result was Peak Fertility and started baby making the next morning, then i waited 2 days to test again and the result was Low fertility. this morning i just tested and the result was high fertility. how could this be? once you get peak doesnt that mean you're going to ovulate? if i started baby making the morning after i got peak result will i still have high chances being pregnant?
77 Messages
820 Points
10 years ago
Please give us a call so we can help answer any further question. Please give us a call at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference #FB1188. We’re open M-F from 8:30-5:00 ET and we’re here to help.