yamini_iyer's profile

5 Messages


186 Points

Sunday, May 22nd, 2016 10:59 PM

CONFUSED??? 2 different holders and 2 different results

I had a holder from my previous kit and i ran out of the test sticks. So I ordered new kit. I tested my morning sample after AF with old holder and new stick and it showed flashing smiley. I then tested my morning sample with new holder and new stick and it showed low fertility.

How do I know which one is correct or if i am getting a false positive?

102 Messages


1.2K Points

9 years ago

Hi Yamini - Thanks for getting in touch. A holder can never show you High Fertility on the very first test done which is why your new holder showed you Low Fertility. The holders need two readings to compare when looking for your rise in estrogen (however if you have enough LH in your urine, the holder can show you Peak Fertility on the first test that you do). The result you had with your old holder can be relied on so please continue to use that holder. You can use the new test sticks you have with your older holder. 

It's also important to know that each holder has the ability to adjust to your personal hormone profile. If one holder has been used more in a cycle than the other, one will have more opportunities to adjust to you than the other. 

It's important that you stick to using one holder per cycle. 

Hope that helps!

5 Messages


186 Points

Thanks for your reply. So when i tested again this morning with the new holder and new stick it showed low fertility. So I am relying on my old holder now.

102 Messages


1.2K Points

No problem. Yes, you can use save your new holder for your next cycle. But for this one, stick to your old one.

1 Message


110 Points

Sam - I have been using the Clear Blue Advanced Ovulation tests for the past 6 days. I've received "high fertility" results for the past 5 days, but I'm assuming it's because I was on Clomid and then estrogen. I used the last strip I had in the box this morning, but got an error message. So, I went to buy another box and tested again with the same holder, and got another "high fertility" result. But, then I realized I had accidentally bought the regular Clear Blue ovulation tests (not the Advanced). Is it still ok to use the strips from the standard ovulation test box with the holder from the Advanced box, which I've been using this whole cycle?

102 Messages


1.2K Points

Hi Lacey - 5 High Fertility days is normal. We would normally recommend that you stop testing after seeing 9 or more High Fertility days. 

However the test sticks from the standard digital ovulation test cannot be used with the advanced digital ovulation test. The advanced digital ovulation test detects two hormones and the corresponding test sticks provide information for two hormones. 

Unfortunately, any results you have seen so far cannot be relied on and will be inaccurate. 

1 Message


110 Points

I have tested with 2 different holders, using the same urine. My new one was flashing a smiley, the old one said low fertility. Which one do I believe?

2 Messages


80 Points

11 months ago

wonder if anyone can help
I have PCOS and are currently trying to conceive
since using tablets to help my periods come back I’ve since had one in december 2023.
I have been using the clear blue ovulation digital test to try work out if and when I ovulate.
recently for 9 days I had high fertility (flashing smiley face)
I took a second test with a new digital stick on the 9th day that once came up as low fertility

however on the 10th day the regular test I had been using was again high fertility but the new one ( which would of been used twice now) is showing as peak fertility (smiley face)
really confused as to whether I am ovulating or not? Are these test worth it?

5 Messages


100 Points

Hi Annie,

I too have PCOS and have been TTC for 1 year. To be honest, it's all so confusing as PCOS means your levels are likely to be all over the place. I've been using the advance clear blue ovulation digital tests, it differs every month. I've read that these tests are not accurate for women with PCOS and are likely to provide a lot of false positives.

On some PCOS groups I've been on, the others have said to use the cheap test strips, but I'm struggling to see any point in them when our hormones are all over the place anyway so surely none of them are going to be reliable for us.

Good luck with your TTC journey, and don't forget you're not alone. Fingers crossed it happens for you soon!

1 Message


60 Points

10 months ago

Hi! I stopped taking my birth control in January, so I had a longer period in February. I started using the Clearblue Advance Ovulation Test. I test on day 8. On day 8 and 9 I got low fertility. On day 10 I got high fertility. On day 11 I got peak fertility. On day 13 I tested again and got low fertility. On day 14 I tested again and got high fertility. What does that mean? Did I get a false positive peak before? 

2 Messages


80 Points

2 months ago

I bought 2 boxes, so 2 holders. I have done this with 2 other pregnancies and they never line up and the same thing. Like tonight, I got a peak on a a regular ovulation test, I got a peak one on clear blue holder (never used, brand new) and a low fertility of the 2nd brand new clear blue. Same urine, ran at the same time. Can sometime explain that to me?! In inclined to believe the one was peak bc my other off brand with line shows peak but why would the other be low fertility… not even high.. just low. I’m starting to wonder if this is a scam. 

3 Messages


90 Points

Same here. Tested with two holders the same time, same urine and one said high fertility and one peak and again the next day still high with the other one. Am using it for ivf so need to know which day i peak to inform transfer.  Absolutely crucial to know which day i have lh surge but i dont know which it is!!?

3 Messages


90 Points

Just to add i started testing with both at the right time for my cycle 
