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70 Points

Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 4:27 PM

Confusing Results with CB Advanced Digital: Did I skew my results?

This is my first cycle using Clear Blue, but before my last pregnancy I was using Mira for natural family planning. I’m very familiar with my body and the typical symptoms I see around ovulation. I have longer cycles and typically ovulate around day 28 to 30. I started using CB tests on day 20 along with the cheap strips for comparison sake. 

I am now on day 27 and have been concerned because I haven’t show a high fertility reading on clear blue yet. I didn’t realize you are supposed to use FMU with this test so the first one I did was around 8pm after a long hold (around 6 hours). This showed no smiley face and every test since has show no smiley face as well. I woke around an hour earlier than normal today and tested with FMU with another negative result. About three hours later I noticed that my cervix was very high and my cervical fluid matched a fertile state, so I should be nearing ovulation. I decided to test again, and what do you know it was a flashing smiley! Now I’m reading that the result isn’t valid because it wasn’t FMU.

Given that my first baseline reading wasn’t FMU I’m confused as to whether I can rely on CB for the remainder of my cycle. Should I just continue testing until I get a peak result? Should I quit using them all together? Any help is very appreciated!

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