3 Messages


90 Points

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 1:03 AM

Currently CD 17 and past 7 days “high” fertility; no peak

First time using CB ovulation digital monitor and seeing “high”  fertility for past 7 days (Currently CD 17), but have not yet received “peak” fertility. Is this normal or is it likely I didn’t ovulate? Could it have possibly missed an LH surge? I’ve been using evening urine as it locked me into that timeframe during initial set up :/.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!! 

14 Messages


270 Points

5 months ago

I had 9 days of high before I got my peak! 

3 Messages


90 Points

5 months ago

Interesting! Yeah I think I went over 10 days and no peak, so just stopped testing. Yesterday, however, I was expecting my period in 2 days (April 2), but was curious and decided to test again, and received a peak! Has this happened to anyone? Is it normal to get another peak closer to period, or is it more abnormal/ faulty? Soo confused 🫤 

14 Messages


270 Points

Ohhh, so what cd did you get your peak? If it was late in your cycle, I doubt it was a real peak. I had a similar experience in that I got a peak on CD10 but randomly tested again on CD 14 and got another peak. An OB said I could be pregnant as LH & HCG are both proteins and an ovulation test recognises a rising hcg as LH. 
Maybe you are pregnant!!!!!!!!!! The timing is right in terms of you expecting your period in a few days 

3 Messages


90 Points

Oh, wow! Really?! Does the ovulation test pick up on hcg or does it just confuse the test? I’m currently cycle day 27 today and when I took the ov test, it still shows peak 😯 I’m so confused by it! I took a cheapie test this AM though and it was negative. Very confused! Would an early result preg test be worth a shot? 

14 Messages


270 Points

It confuses the test. I ended up being pregnant in the cycle I was referring to but had a MC.  I’d take an early preg test for sure. 
