2 Messages
130 Points
Did I miss my smiley face?
I've been using clearblue ovulation tests (20ct) and I am now on cycle day 22 but I am still not seeing a smiley face. I understand that I'm not suppose to read the lines on the test but when I first started testing the test line was darker then it is now. About cycle day 17 the line got extremely light and now when I test there is hardly a line where the test line should be and even the control line is a lot lighter. Did I miss my ovulation day? I do use fmu.
465 Messages
5.8K Points
11 years ago
We'd like to learn more a bit more about your use of our ovulation tests. Which of tests are you using, the ones with the pink cap or the one with the purple cap? What is your cycle length? What day of your cycle did you begin testing? Are you taking any fertility medication?
2 Messages
130 Points
11 years ago
But to answer your questions:
I was using the test with the pink cap! My cycle lengths are about 29 days. I started testing on CD 9. And I am not taking any fertility medications. I got a smiley face on CD23!
465 Messages
5.8K Points
11 years ago