ashley_hunt_wall's profile

1 Message


150 Points

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 12:26 AM

Difference between a solid smiley face and a blinking smiley face?

I know when the smiley face appears it is your peak time. What does it mean when the smiley face appears but is blinking?

7 Messages


160 Points

7 years ago

I think that means your most fertile between the 48 hour frame. I don’t think you lessened your chances.

1 Message


110 Points

7 years ago

Hi there, I have recently started using your digital OPK; have been receiving the flashing smiley for 9 straight days (testing with FMU) and I'm starting to really become discouraged. The 10 day packs are already so expensive - over $60 CAD per box... Not sure if I want to continue spending that kind of money to just keep seeing that stupid flashing frustrating.

7 Messages


160 Points

That’s all i was seeing also. But i finally got my smiley face after 7 days. Your smiley will appear just give it time.
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597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Mikayla.  High Fertility will be displayed when an increase in estrogen is detected.  Once High Fertility is displayed, the holder will continue to display High Fertility daily until an LH surge is detected or until tests are missed for 3 consecutive days.  If Peak Fertility is not detected in a cycle then an excessive number of High Fertility days will be seen. 

If you have already seen 10 or more High Fertility days then we recommend you stop testing for this cycle as it's unlikely you'll go on to see Peak. Occasionally some women may have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect, or they may not ovulate during a cycle and therefore won't see Peak Fertility. This isn't unusual and may happen in approximately 8% of cycles. If you don't see Peak Fertility over a number of cycles, we recommend discussing this with your doctor. We'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your questions. 

Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference 1915693A.  We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET.  

1 Message


110 Points

I took the clean digital advance ovulation test today and got a flashing face...I had sex on the 12th of December what are my chances of getting pregnant!

1 Message


110 Points

7 years ago

Hi, my name is Antoinette from Nigeria. i recently got the clearblue advanced kit and tested for some days and got the low fertility symbol after some days i got the the static symbol with out seeing the high symbol. is that a good thing and does the static symbol indicate that am ovulating for 48hrs or would be ovulating after the 48hrs? when is the best time of the day to make love for a baby? thanks

1 Message


110 Points

7 years ago

When should I start to test if my period is around 30-38 days. Thanks
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Crystal.  Use your shortest recent cycle length of 30 days and start on day 10.

2 Messages


120 Points

I had a week of flashing smiley faces what does that mean on there is it a good sign on the clear blue advanced digital kit?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Katie,
When you see High Fertility (flashing smiley) you have an increased chance of conception, have regular intercourse. If you see 10 days of High Fertility you may wish to stop testing as it may be less likely to see Peak Fertility.

2 Messages


120 Points

Thanks for the information but was very unhappy with the clear blue ovulation Test Advanced Digital, it says when you have the high flashing smiley face, you should have intercourse , on that day to get a higher chance of pregnancy, we did on all the days we had a flashing smiley face, and disappointed as it didn’t work as never conceived at all.
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

We were sorry to hear of your experience. Please be assured, it may take many months to become pregnant. There are manyreasons why you may not become pregnant even if you’ve been able to make loveat your most fertile time. If after several months you’ve had no success, youshould consult your doctor. We'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your questions.  Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279 we're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET. 

2 Messages


120 Points

7 years ago

Hello, I am using clearblue kit. I have a question? is it normal when I get flashing smiley face/ and solid smiley face won't stay for 48hrs on my holder. it will only stay for 5mins. and gone.?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Crisley.  The flashing smiley face (High Fertility) stays for 8 minutes.  Peak Fertility (non-flashing smiley face) stays for 48 hours.

1 Message


110 Points

I've used two tests one yesterday and got the O yesterday so not a fertility day. Then today I tested and got the smiley face that didn't blink is that possible to go from nothing to ovulating in a 24 hr period?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Yes - you have found your LH Surge so can stop testing.  It's likely that you started testing too late this cycle so consider starting earlier if you need to test in future cycles so you can also see your High Fertility days.

2 Messages


120 Points

What is this one

2 Messages


122 Points

7 years ago


I am currently monitoring my cycle.   I tested for the first time on Thursday night and I got a solid smiley straight away.  I felt the normal signs of ovulation (niggly ovary). I had an internal ultrasound thursday day and there was one 2.5cm egg in my right ovary. My lining was pre-ovulatory and looking good.  

I waited 48 hours until the solid smiley disappeared and the screen was blank again.  I tested 2 days later on Saturday just to see what it may show and it showed a solid smiley.  Inseminated that night with a donor to try our chances.      I bought another test on Sunday and it showed a solid smiley again.  Perhaps we inseminated at the right time give I had four days of solid smiley's? 

By Monday the first test had lost the solid smiley so I retested, it had an empty circle showing low fertility.  As expected.  

Can anyone help  explain why I  got 4 days of solid smileys?   When do you think I could have ovulated?  Is it normal to have 4 days of high LH??

I am on 100mg clomid for this cycle.

Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Sazzle - The LH Surge typically lasts 1-2 days so you likely picked up both the start and the end of it.  Ovulation typically happens 24-36 hours after the LH Surge is first detected.

2 Messages


122 Points

Thanks Sally!  I thought so. 

Can you also please tell me what the minimum level of LH the clear blue advanced detects in the urine please?     

As I am new to tracking I have nothing to compare things to so who knows when exactly my egg popped out over the 4 days. Let's hope it was at least 24 hours after I got my first solid smiley, if not 36 hours to give that egg a fighting chance. 
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

The sensitivity of the test is 40mIU/ml LH.  Ovulation is typically 24-26 hours after the LH Surge is first detected - the duration of the Surge has no impact on your fertility status.

4 Messages


142 Points

7 years ago

Today was my very first time using CB and my first day of texting a circle appeared which is low fertility is this normal )? Also do you have intercourse on low fertile days still ?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Yes it's normal to get 'low fertility' on your first test.  You can still have sex if you feel like it :)

4 Messages


142 Points

Ha ha

4 Messages


142 Points

I know everyone is differnt but Generally after how many days do you usually get a smiley face ? Today Js day 2 of testing still reading low fertility
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

It can vary enormously.  What is your usual cycle length and what cycle day did you start testing?

4 Messages


142 Points

Hi Sally I started testing Tuesday morning my cycle varies from 28 - 30 days the last 2 months I have had. A 30 day cycle ! But today I finally got a flashing smiley face

2 Messages


130 Points

7 years ago


My Last period started May 25th, lasted apx 5 days and my cycle is typically 28 days long. So I started testing Monday June 4th, got two negatives. On June 6th I got my first flashing smiley face.  I am now on cycle day 17 and still getting flashing smile face.  Is it possible that I missed my peak? Should I keep testing? Should I have tested twice a day after getting a flashing smiley face?

Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Shannon. High Fertility will be displayed when an increase in estrogen is detected.  Once High Fertility is displayed, the holder will continue to display High Fertility daily until an LH surge is detected or until tests are missed for 3 consecutive days.  If Peak Fertility is not detected in a cycle then an excessive number of High Fertility days will be seen. 

If you have already seen 10 or more High Fertility days then we recommend you stop testing for this cycle as it's unlikely you'll go on to see Peak. Occasionally some women may have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect, or they may not ovulate during a cycle and therefore won't see Peak Fertility. This isn't unusual and may happen in approximately 8% of cycles. If you don't see Peak Fertility over a number of cycles, we recommend discussing this with your doctor.

We'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your questions.  Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279.  We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET.  

1 Message


110 Points

Hello me and my wife have been usin the clearblue advanced, we tested on 13th june had a circle then on 14th 15th 16th had flashing then yesterday (18th) solid smiley, we have had sex every day since te day her period ended, we had a misscarriage 3 cycles ago using the clearblue kit. Have we given ourselfs the best chance from what ive said?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear of your loss.  We recommend you have sex every other day on all you High and Peak Fertility days as sperm typically survive 3-5 days - more often is OK if you feel like it :)  Good luck!

1 Message


110 Points

Hello I have had a solid smiley face each time I have tested for three days in a row without the blinking face but everytime it has went away within 8 minutes it never stayed 48 hours at all and definitely wasn't blinking. Really confused!
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Sophia!  Does your Holder have a pink or a purple eject button?

1 Message


110 Points

7 years ago

Question, why is it that i tested yesterday at high fertility, and this morning i tested again and I’m at no fertility?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi there.  This can only happen if you switch Holders during a cycle.  Go back to the first Holder and continue to use that for the remainder of this cycle as the new Holder is missing the information from earlier on.  You are still on 'High Fertility' so continue to have sex at least every other day.

1 Message


110 Points

7 years ago

I started my test 5days ago with the first morning urine. Today I forgot to test the first morning urine and tested the second pee instead. I got a flashing smiling face. Should I trust it or it’s just the second urine has higher hormone?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

7 years ago

Hi Yan.  You need to use only first morning urine for reliable High Fertility results.  The best thing to do now is assume you are on High Fertility and have sex every other day while continuing to test for Peak Fertility. 

2 Messages


120 Points

6 years ago

This is month 3 for digital kit. Last month I got my smiley but the next day it was gone. I’m confused between what I’ve read about it staying for 48h. I never got a flashing smiley either. I tested the next day and it was gone. Since then I’ve had a progesterone level test 17.5 doc says it’s normal and means I did ovulate. We did not get pregnant. I guess what I need to know for the current cycle is will it flash, or stay solid or go away and how do you know when your 48h actually are? I should note I test every am before work and I was negative the day before and the day after my smiley. I’m currently on day 10 of my cycle and started testing yesterday.
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Jasmine!  It sounds like you might have our Digital Ovulation Test (the Holder with the pink eject button).  This test only detects LH so can't show you High Fertility days and Peak is displayed for 8 minutes although the day you find Peak and the day after are still your two most fertile days.  Wishing you lots of luck!

2 Messages


120 Points

Ok, thank  you so much! So what is the difference what else does the other test detect?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Jasmine - Our advanced test also detects estrogen, so it can show you 4 or more fertile days each cycle.  You can see more about this test here:

1 Message


110 Points

6 years ago

Hello- Can someone please tell me what it means if the solid smiley face does NOT stay on the screen for 48 hours like it’s supposed to? It showed up, was there for around 5 minutes and then the screen went blank. I tested the next morning and got a flashing smiley face. Can that solid face be accurate even if it didn’t stay on screen?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Laura, we know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279.  Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to assist you. We'd love to hear from you!

2 Messages


120 Points

6 years ago

Hi. I’ve had 7 days of flashing smiley.l and I’m on day 18 of cycle. I’m worried I won’t get a solid. What does that mean if that happens? Can I still get pregnant if I have show peak fertility?

2 Messages


120 Points

6 years ago

Help please dont know how to make my own comment but i have been testing since thursday the 25th and every day was the circle and today was solid smiley face it skipped the flashy smiley why is this n what do i i do. Did I miss my timing. Thx