mandy_rossi_corrales's profile

1 Message


140 Points

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 9:18 PM

Difference between CB Advanced Ovulation Test and CB Fertility Monitor

I'm having trouble understanding what the difference is between CB Advanced Digital Ovulation Test and the CB Fertility Monitor. Also, is the Advanced Digital Ovulation Test disposable after 2 cycles or can you continue to use with purchase of more test strips? Same question for Fertility Monitor. Can it be used beyond 2 cycles with replacment test strips?

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

Hi Mandy, Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests are looking for estrogen and LH at certain levels.  In comparison, the Clearblue Fertility Monitor compares each test stick to the next to establish your result.  Also, the monitor must detect a significant increase in estrogen in order to display peak fertility, whereas our advanced digital ovulation tests can show peak fertility even if your estrogen level isn't high enough to be detected.

Both products can be used beyond two cycles.  We offer replacement test sticks for the fertility monitor, and the best place to purchase them is through online retailers.  However, we don't offer refills for our Advanced digital ovulation tests.  They are available in packages of 10 and 20, and each package of them contains a new holder.  Be sure to use the same holder for an entire cycle of testing.  If you switch holders in the midst of your cycle, you may receive unexpected results.

If you have other questions, feel free to let me know.  I'm happy to help!   

1 Message


110 Points

9 years ago

1. In light of your answer is the Advanced Ovulation test more sensitive and hence accurate for testing for ovulation?
2. Can I use the fertility test sticks (for the monitor) with my Advanced Ovulation holder?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

9 years ago

Hi K,  The products are both sensitive to 40 mIU/ml LH and are equally accurate.  You can't use the Monitor test sticks with the Advanced Ovulation Holder as they are different and you risk getting inaccurate results.