1 Message
120 Points
False positive or chemical pregnancy? I would rather have the first!
Dear Clearblue!
How often do you get questions about false positives?
I did your test 9 days ago and it came out "Pregnant 1-2". Superexcited, I didn't even open another test. But after 4 days my usual period started. I was scared and devastated, took another test from the box (BEFORE I started to bleed massively) and it was negative. I saw the doctor and did a proper blood work, I just got the results. It was less than 5 mlU, so I suppose it means nothing was ever there! I guess that your beta level should be higher if you're loosing a very early pregnancy, right? Does that mean I got a false positive and for 3 days I lived for nothing? Thanks for making me crazy :/
How often do you get questions about false positives?
I did your test 9 days ago and it came out "Pregnant 1-2". Superexcited, I didn't even open another test. But after 4 days my usual period started. I was scared and devastated, took another test from the box (BEFORE I started to bleed massively) and it was negative. I saw the doctor and did a proper blood work, I just got the results. It was less than 5 mlU, so I suppose it means nothing was ever there! I guess that your beta level should be higher if you're loosing a very early pregnancy, right? Does that mean I got a false positive and for 3 days I lived for nothing? Thanks for making me crazy :/
465 Messages
5.8K Points
10 years ago
1 Message
110 Points
10 years ago