1 Message
130 Points
Gone from low to peak, down to low and now back to high fertility???? Do these results make sense? Why went to low then now steady at high fertility again??
I am using the Advanced Digital Ovulation kit. I started on day 10 of my cycle. On days 10,11 and 12 I tested low fertility. On days 13 and 14, I tested Peak (skipped high fertility). I didn't feel as though I ovulated so I continued to test. I tested on day 15 and got a low fertility. Now on days 16-18 I've tested for high fertility. I always used first morning urine. My cycle is usually 31 days. Why would I go from low to peak, then low, then now high again??? What does this mean?
465 Messages
5.8K Points
11 years ago
Clearblue Advance Digital Ovulation Tests are more than 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge which occurs before ovulation. Keep in mind that peak fertility doesn't mean that ovulation has occurred, but that it's expected to occur within the next 24-36 hours, and it's not necessary to continue testing once you've seen peak fertility. We'd like to learn more about your experience and talk through your other questions. Please give us a call at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference #FB268. We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET and would be happy to help. Thanks!
1 Message
110 Points
7 years ago