1 Message
120 Points
High back to Low?
So far i've had 7 days of HIGH, with no peak. Does the Digital screen ever go back to LOW after so many highs? I'm assuming after a while I am no longer in that High (fertile) stage. So do the strips detect when your LH surge goes back down? To let you know when you're no longer fertile? OR will it keep saying High until i get my period?
597 Messages
6.4K Points
8 years ago
As you have seen less than 10 High Fertility days we recommend you continue to test each morning for Peak Fertility and remember that you have an increased chance of conceiving on High Fertility days.
We'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your questions. Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference 1864133A. We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET.