melissa_dub's profile

1 Message


120 Points

Thursday, February 27th, 2014 1:43 PM

High reading very early in long cycle

I am using the fertility monitor this month for the first time. I'm only on day 7, but today it gave me a high reading. I am very confused - typically my cycles are 39 or 40 days, and while I haven't used the monitor in previous months, this seems WAY too early for me to get a high reading. Is it me? Is it the monitor?

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

Hi Melissa, we're glad you're using the fertility monitor and hope you'll be pleased with it.  Your monitor needs time to get to know you, and it's possible that during your first cycle with it, you may see more than 5 high fertility days.  Going forward from cycle 2 on, the monitor will reduce this for the majority of women to between 1 and 5 high fertility days.  Keep in touch to let us know how it's going!  

5 Messages


162 Points

11 years ago

It happened on me too. My cycle length is around 35 to 39days. Be caused the first month I used the test, I might have started it late i never received the smiling face. The second month, I decided to test on c7 and I got a smiling face on C8 and on c9 and c 10 I didn't received the smiling face again. I am not sure if the test is correct that I m ovulated that early with the cycle 39 days. I this it is way too early.