1 Message
70 Points
Long High results without Peak
I've been using the Clear Blue Digital Ovulation tester for over a year now. I have been very conistant in my results from month to month, and normally ovulate around day 14. Last month was my first month trying IUI. However my ultrasound this month showed I have a thinner lining of my uterus than usual and we chose not to do IUI since it wasn't an optimal environment. Instead, I was directed to continue with natural methods. My ultrasound did show a mature egg and my OB expected I would peak in the days to follow. I started reading high on day 10, had the ultrasound on day 13, but this is the first time I have never reached peak. I am on day 22 and am still reading high. Is it common to have trouble peaking after an IUI attempt? If I did not peak, should my ovulation test return to low? Or is it possible to peak this late in my cycle? Most importantly for my case, I am low on progesterone and use my peak ovulation day to determine when to start using a progesterone supplement. We have been DTD since I started reading high, but I've gone passed my normal time to begin using progesterone and am worried it is all for not this month.
597 Messages
6.4K Points
5 years ago
High Fertility will be displayed when an increase in estrogen is detected. Once High Fertility is displayed, the holder will continue to display High Fertility daily until an LH surge is detected or until tests are missed for 3 consecutive days. If Peak Fertility is not detected in a cycle then an excessive number of High Fertility days will be seen. If you have already seen 10 or more High Fertility days then we recommend you stop testing for this cycle as it's unlikely you'll go on to see Peak. The IUI attempt should not necessarily affect whether or not you see Peak Fertility. Work out your cycle length, and use the shortest to determine when to start testing.