1 Message


70 Points

Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 4:15 PM

Low fertility to peak just 3 days after period

Some back story. I had a Mirena iud for about 7 years. During that time I did not have a period. My iud was removed on January 20th. I tested during that time and found peak days. I had my period on February 15th and it lasted only 3 days. I started ovulation testing again yesterday February 20th with a low fertility. I tested again today and got a peak result (solid smiley face no flashing) 

What does this mean? I'm very confused.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Hi I have a similar issue, I had 2 empty circles and the went straight to a peak smiley. My better died after 12 hours and bought a new pack. Tried that 2 days later and it showed a peak smiley first go.. 2 days after my supposed ovulation. I’m also confused :) 

How quickly after ovulation does it give you a blank circle or is there left over hormone in my system 

3 Messages


90 Points

2 years ago

​Hi I had a peak OPK on my first test this month which was CD10 of a usual 29 day cycle and continued to test because its only my second month of using them. It went back to low for a few days then crept up to high gradually for a few days then I had another peak on CD19 but I was severely dehydrated - following this post to see which is the most likely as I know you can ovulate really early OR really late! 

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1 year ago

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