1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, February 11th, 2024 8:42 PM

Low fertility to peak to low fertility over 3 days prior to calculated ovulation


I have the purple cap advanced ovulation kit and am using it along with ovulation trackers based on a 30 day cycle. The calculator predicted my high fertility would be this week, with ovulation on 15th. I started testing on the 8th to see how it works and got an empty circle. The 9th I got a solid smiley face which remained on the screen for 48 hours and today (the 11th) got an empty circle. This is before the days of high fertility the ovulation calculator predicted. Can I have another peak fertility, or does this mean my period will come sooner? We had sex from the 8th leading to today, during the 48 hours of smiley face but it seems odd that I only had two days of fertility and went from low to peak. What should be my move here, just keep having intercourse this whole week and assume the testing is malfunctioning? 

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