jocelyn_tugade_sabino's profile

3 Messages


144 Points

Friday, February 14th, 2014 4:29 PM

More than 5 days of blinking smiley faces and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night

I'm using the advanced digital kit and been having flashing smiley faces since Sunday. When I took the test today (Friday) it still shows a flashing smiley face. Will I get a non-blinking smiley face soon? Also it says it's best to take the test after your longest sleep. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night to go pee and then get up at 4:30am to take the test. Does going to the bathroom in the middle of night mess up my results?

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

Hi Jocelyn,

The number of high fertility fertility days displayed may be more or less than 2, and it's normal for some women to see more than 2 high fertility days in all or some of their cycles.  It reflects your unique hormone changes.  I recommend that you continue testing for your LH surge.  If the test detects an LH surge, peak fertility will be displayed (solid smiley) for 48 hours. If an LH surge is not detected, your digital holder will continue to display high fertility (blinking smiley) until tests are missed for 3 days in a row.

To answer your other question, there are some factors which can affect the number of high fertility days you see.  Testing at another time of day other than with your first urine after your longest sleep can cause high fertility days to be displayed early in your cycle.  If your first urine after your longest sleep is when you wake in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, collect this urine in a clean container and test with it at your usual testing time when you wake up.

If you have questions about this, feel free to give us a call at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference #FB357.  We're open weekdays from 8:30am-5:00pm ET.  Although we're normally open Monday through Friday, on Monday Feb. 17 we'll be closed in observance of Presidents' Day.

Hope this helps!

3 Messages


144 Points

11 years ago

Thanks Karen. I took the test again this morning and now it says low fertility and this is with a NEW BOX of advanced digital kit 10 days. Should I continue testing? From the previous test, I started taking the test on Thursday, Feb 6th and test came out low fertility, then Friday and Saturday I took the test incorrectly, then Sunday thru Friday shows high fertility. Is it possible I missed my peak when I took the test incorrectly Friday and Saturday?

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

You're welcome Jocelyn, and sorry for the delay in responding to your next message.  It's very important to use the same digital holder during your testing cycle.  In other words, don't switch digital holders in the middle of your cycle.  If you need more test sticks after you've started testing this cycle, be sure to use the same holder, as switching holders in the middle of your cycle can cause unexpected results.    

3 Messages


144 Points

11 years ago

Hi Karen-I used the same holder this time on Sunday and showed Peak for the next 48 hours which I was happy about. Then come yesterday, I got my period.

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

I know it's disappointing when AF comes.  Don't let your hopes down - we've got our fingers crossed that you'll get a BFP soon :)

1 Message


110 Points

6 years ago

I tested for 4 days and had no smiley but had a solid smiley that lasted just for about 5 minutes. On the following days I have been having the flashing smiley. It how it should be?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Thanks for getting in touch, Vicky. We need some more information about which test you are using - the solid smiley on the Advanced test will last for 48 hours. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference 1869590A.  Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to assist you. We'd love to hear from you!

1 Message


110 Points

I had a similar thing just happen to me- two days of the circle, then 1 day of a solid smiley- but it didnt stay on my monitor for 48 hours, so I tested the next day, and now I am on day 3 of the blinking smiley. We've been having sex regularly so I'm not worried about it per say, but unsure how to interpret the results. Any ideas?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference 001981137A.  Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to assist you. We'd love to hear from you!

2 Messages


120 Points


2 Messages


120 Points

6 years ago

I took the test yesterday morning and had a negative took it yesterday midday and had a flashing smiley - someone told me I may have messed it up since I took it midday and not morning is that true and if so how long will I have the flashing smiley? Does the flashing smiley mean I will ovulate soon?? I’m using the advanced test with low high and peak - Thank you
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Kaitlin.  You do have to use first morning urine only for reliable High Fertility results.  Your Holder will stay on High Fertility now while you look for Peak - we recommend you have sex at least every alternate day now until you find Peak.  The Holders ability to detect Peak will not be affected.

2 Messages


120 Points

Hi Sally thank you! Just want to make sure I understand - can I still get a solid smiley with this device or should I go buy a new one and start over with only first morning urine?
Thank you
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

No need to buy another - the ability of your current Holder to show a solid smiley is not affected.  Good luck!

3 Messages


130 Points

Hello! Last month was my first time using Clear Blue Advanced Ovulation tests. I got high fertility on CD 22 and had 9 days of high fertility but no peak. I tested first thing in the morning. This month, I tested high on CD 23 and it is now CD 27. So this is Day 5 of high fertility. Is there a reason for so many high fertility days but no peak?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Jayne - What is your typical cycle length range? What day do you start testing?

2 Messages


120 Points

6 years ago

Sally, I’m having the same problem that Jayne is. I started testing oncycle day 14, have now seen 6 days of blinking smiley faces after about 4 days of low. Is it possible that there will be no peak fertility? I was unsure as to whether or not you would see no peak if you saw high for so many days.
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Virginia,

We would recommend you start testing on the day recommended according to your shortest cycle length. Typically we expect ovulation 12-16 days before your next Period, and the LH surge occurs 24-36 hours prior to ovulation. If you have started testing on the correct day and you see an increased number (9 or more) of High Fertile days (blinking smiley) you may wish to stop testing. 

The absence of Peak Fertility does not mean that ovulation has not taken place or that your Holder is faulty, it is just that your Holder has been unable to detect the hormone changes it is looking for. Occasionally, some women may have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect, or they may not ovulate during a cycle and therefore won't see Peak Fertility. 

We'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your questions.  Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279.  We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET.

2 Messages


120 Points

Hi, I took Provera and in 10 days I got periods now it’s 20th day of my cycle but still getting blinking smiley. I started from day 12 th . Daily i m using OPK. What am I supposed to do now? Shall I stop doing test? Any suggestion?

2 Messages


120 Points

My blinking smiley occurred for 12 days. On day 13 I saw the solid smile. I think that there are just differences in ovulation, and mine took a good bit longer. 
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Rasika,

If you see 9 or more days of the flashing smiley face (High Fertility) you may stop testing if you wish. High Fertility is first seen when a rise in estrogen has occurred compared to the first test done in that cycle.

Provera will not affect your test result but may affect your cycle length (the length from one period to the next).

We recommend you use your shortest cycle length to calculate when to start testing, as testing too late may mean the hormone changes are missed, as the LH surge occurs 24-36 hours prior to ovulation.

Best Regards,

2 Messages


120 Points

Hello I’m in Canada. I bought these clear blue advanced fertility sticks. It’s this for the holder?

3 Messages


130 Points

6 years ago

It’s very frustrating on so many different levels...I ended up going to my doctor and she put me on Clomid. I tested 2 days ago and got a solid smiley immediately. Tested again yesterday and still a solid smiley :) That could be an option you might want to talk to your doctor about if you’re not ovulating. Good luck to you!!

1 Message


110 Points

6 years ago

Hi there I’m having the same issue which never happened to me passed in a year I normally ovulate on my day 14 or between 17 but this month something different is going on it’s been 6,7 days it’s just giving me flashing smiley but not even once solid i start testing from day 10 which I normally do what could be the reason for this please help me
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

6 years ago

Hi Tasaddaf,

Occasionally some women may have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect, or they may not ovulate during a cycle and therefore won't see Peak Fertility. This isn't unusual and may happen in approximately 8% of cycles. If you don't see Peak Fertility over a number of cycles, we recommend discussing this with your doctor. IF you see 10 days of High Fertility, it is less likely you you'll go on to see Peak Fertility, therefore we recommend you stop testing.

2 Messages


70 Points

1 year ago

I’ve been doing my ovulation tests as soon as I get up in the morning. I’ve had 10 consecutive flashing smiley faces - I have like 2 ovulation test strips left. I hope I get a solid smiley soon.. :/

1 Message


60 Points

11 months ago

Hi I m using advanced digital kit and i am getting flashing smiley since it been 6th day since I tested.  

is this normal to have flashing smiley for more than 4 days ? 

2 Messages


70 Points

I’ve had 10 days of flashy smileys before getting my solid smiley, just keep testing - you’ll get there!

1 Message


60 Points

9 months ago

Why is it bad to switch holders when testing? I ran out of sticks and switched. Could that be the cause of seeing no solid smiley?

2 Messages


80 Points

8 months ago

Hello! i'm on day 5 of a flashing smiley face, is that normal? 
