sona_chabria_corrigan's profile

10 Messages


222 Points

Thursday, February 13th, 2014 2:11 PM

Multiple Blinky Smiley Faces

I have been testing with the Advance Digital Kit and have been getting blinky smiley faces since Saturday. Now today is Thursday and I am still getting the same response.. How long can the blinky faces last for? The box says 2 days...

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

Thanks for asking, Sona.  It's normal for some women to see more than 2 high fertility days in all or some of their cycles.  The number of high fertility days displayed each cycle reflects your unique hormone changes and may be more or less than 2.  Once your digital holder detects a significant increase in estrogen, high fertility will be displayed.  Your holder will continue to show high fertility until your LH surge is detected.  

There are also some factors which can affect your number of high fertility days.  Fertility treatments such as clomiphene citrate, testing twice per day, or testing at another time of day other than with your first urine of the day can also affect your high fertility results.

Feel free to give us a call at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference #FB354 if you'd like to talk this through.  We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET and would be happy to help.  Best of luck to you!

10 Messages


222 Points

So will it stay at high fertility for the rest of the cycle?

465 Messages


5.8K Points

You're correct, Sona.  If an LH surge is not detected, your holder will continue to display high fertility until tests are missed for 3 days in a row.  Not all of these days will be high fertility days.

10 Messages


222 Points

I got a solid smiley this morning :) So will this stay on the screen for two days?

465 Messages


5.8K Points

Yay!  Yes, the solid smiley will stay on the screen for about 48 hours as a reminder that this is your most fertile time. So go ahead & 'baby dance' at any time during these 2 days :)

We've got our fingers crossed for you!

10 Messages


222 Points
