5 Messages
160 Points
not getting a peak symbol
I purchased the Clear Blue advanced digital ovulation test 30 pack. I began testing on the recommended day per the chart insert that came with the test. The first 4 days I received a low reading. Then the next 6 days (today being the 6th) I received the high fertility symbol (flashing happy face). I understand each woman is different. Should I have seen a peak fertility symbol by now?
102 Messages
1.2K Points
9 years ago
Can you confirm which product you are using? Is it the Advanced Digital Ovulation test or the Advanced Fertility monitor? We only sell 20 test sticks with each Advanced Digital Ovulation test Holder.
Can you also confirm the length of your shortest cycle in recent months, the day of your cycle you started testing and what day of your cycle it is today? Then I should be able to give you more detailed advice.
5 Messages
160 Points
9 years ago
I am using the Advanced Digital Ovulation test. I have been tracking since January using an app. The shortest cycle was 24 days the most was 28 days. I began testing at day 7 per the enclosed instruction calendar. The day of the reply was day 20 at that point I had 9 days of high fertility and zero peak results.
5 Messages
160 Points
9 years ago
102 Messages
1.2K Points
9 years ago
For a 24-28 day cycle, we would expect ovulation to occur anywhere between day 8 and day 14.
I would recommend that for your next cycle and in your case, you begin testing a day earlier and based on your 24 day cycle. So your first testing day should be cycle day 6.
The following reasons are why you might not see Peak Fertility in a cycle:
1) The LH surge was too low for the test to detect
2) The LH surge was too short for the test to detect
3) The urine sample used was too dilute (should be in the bladder for at least 4 hours)
4) Tests were inadvertently missed
5) Ovulation didn't occur this cycle (this is normal and happens in approximately 8% of cycles)
If you would like any more information then it might be more beneficial to you if you gave our careline a call at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference number 001815131A. We're open M-F 8.30am to 5.00pm. Please have your test and packaging to hand.
We're here to help Sara!
5 Messages
160 Points
9 years ago
I made sure to test with my urine first thing in the morning after sleeping all night, so I am sure the urine sample was not diluted. I had been taking progesterone could this keep ovulation from happening? I read online that was a possibility. I also made sure to test every morning, I kept track via an app so I was able to enter my data daily so I am confident that reasons 3 & 4 were not a factor. I suspect it was reason 5 due to the progesterone.
102 Messages
1.2K Points
9 years ago
It's quite normal, even in the absence of medication, for ovulation not happen in a cycle. We typically advise that if you don't see Peak Fertility over a number of cycles that you speak to your doctor.
I hope this helps, Sara.
5 Messages
160 Points
9 years ago
Per my doctor recommendation I stopped the progestrone and I received a peak symbol this month (yay)! But I have one more question. Now that I have received a peak symbol on my current ovulation reader do I need to use a new reader next month if I do not end up pregnant this month?
597 Messages
6.4K Points
9 years ago