2 Messages
130 Points
One cycle, two solid smileys 14 days apart.
I have long cycles that range from 37-43 Days. My last cycle was 37 days. This past month I starting using the ClearBlue Advance Ovulation Test 9 days after the 1st day of my last period. I got a circle. I then tested the next day which would be day 10, and got a solid smiley face. A week after that I felt ovulation symptoms, and tested again (day 17), and got a blank circle. Now a week later (day 24 of cycle) I tested again and got a solid smiley face. I know you aren't supposed to test after getting a solid smiley until the next cycle, but because the peak 2 days (solid smiley) was so early in my cycle I thought I would test again. Would this cause the results to be wrong? It would make more sense that the solid smiley on day 24 would be more accurate given it is closer to the time of my next period (around 13/14 days away). Please advise!
2 Messages
130 Points
10 years ago
465 Messages
5.8K Points
10 years ago
Starting the tests early in your cycle will not affect the accuracy of your results. Would you mind giving us a call so we can learn more and talk through your questions? Our number is 1-800-321-3279 and when calling, please mention reference #FB502. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET. Thanks!
1 Message
110 Points
10 years ago
This is the 2nd phase in my cycle and I have so far had 3 days of smiley face (14 days ago it was just 1 day of the smiley face)
Thank you
1 Message
110 Points
6 years ago
I have not started menstruating again since having my first baby so I’ve been doing ovulation testing in the hope of determining if I’m ovulating so we can try to conceive again. I got one positive/solid smiley face result (8/8) and then it was back to negative the next day (but I thought that’s because I changed handles and started using a new kit). I continued testing for another three weeks and then yesterday (25/8) received another positive/smiley result but it was back to negative again my 4pm this afternoon. I did not have a period in between.
What does this mean?