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70 Points

Thursday, June 13th, 2024 5:00 PM

Peak fertility smiley face

So my period began on 08/06/24 afternoon and my period has lasted 4 days ending on 11/06/24 which I was only spotting on day 4. 

this is my first time using the clear blue ovulation tests, I decided to take my first test on the 11/06/24 just to see the results and as expected it was low fertility. 

Again as this is my first time using this test, I decided to test again today (13/06/24) as im really interested. And now it has shown Peak fertility which will be displayed for 48 hours and I can’t test again until after. 

so in relation to this whole question, can I ovulate on days 6/7????? I wasn’t expecting to see peak fertility so soon in my cycle. My cycle is religiously 28 days, and some 29. But I can detect each month when I’m due. 

I’m really confused and surprised, as I follow an app, and it stated that I’d ovulate on days 12-16 

so confused, anyone the same? 

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