meghan's profile

2 Messages


150 Points

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 11:49 PM

"Peak" fertility the first time I used the test, on day 9 - is this a likely error?

I'm using the ClearBlue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test (purple). My period ended 3-4 days ago, and I used the ovulation test for the very first time today (Day 9). I got a Peak fertility result, which doesn't seem accurate to me. Is it possible to reach peak fertility at this point in my cycle? What are potential causes of a faulty "peak" result? I saw in a frequently asked questions that it is impossible to get a "high" result the first time you use the test; is it possible to get a "peak" result the first time you use the test? Especially if I'm this early in my cycle?

Thank you!!

83 Messages


890 Points

10 years ago

Hi Meghan, thanks for messaging us. If you're having a shorter cycle than normally then Peak Fertility may be displayed correspondingly early. Peak Fertility may also be displayed earlier if you are pregnant or have recently been pregnant, taking certain medications or if you're having certain medical conditions. If none of these apply and you've performed the test correctly we would recommend having intercourse on the day Peak Fertility is displayed and the day afterwards. If you have any concerns you should see your Doctor. Hope this helps!

2 Messages


150 Points

8 years ago

Meghan,  I just used the ClearBlue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test (purple) today for the very first time.  It also showed the "peak, on my very first use, on day 7 of my cycle.  I have read the response by ClearBlue above.  None of the causes of a faulty "peak" apply to me.  Just wondering what the outcome was of your situation.  I'm still not sure that I could truly be peaking on day 7, and the very first use.  Thanks!

2 Messages


150 Points

Hi Sarah, this is Meghan. It turns out that I just happen to ovulate very early in my cycle, which is why the test showed "peak" so early on my first use. A few weeks after I wrote that post, I found out I was pregnant. Then I had a miscarriage around 8 weeks (baby was measuring 5). We tried again a month or so later -- I used the Clear Blue Advanced Digital Ovulation test, and once again it showed that I "peak" early. I got pregnant that time, and just gave birth last Tuesday to my son. So I would say that you are just ovulating very early in your cycle. Best wishes!

1 Message


110 Points

Hi this is a long shot since this was written 2 years ago. But I just had a miscarriage at 6 weeks, 3 weeks ago, when you used the clear blue after your miscarriage did you wait to have a cycle and then use it. Or used it when your HCG levels went back to normal? Thanks !
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

Sorry for you loss Kate.  We'd recommend you wait for 2 cycles before using our test.

1 Message


110 Points

Hello, I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks baby measured 6.4 weeks. I had a d&c the next day and decided to count that as day 1 of my cycle as I only had very very light spotting. I had 3 days of lows on days 6, 7 and 8. The next day (DAY 9) I got a PEAK! Does this mean I am ovulating? I understand that hcg can throw a wrong result but I had 3 days of lows so surely this can't be the case for me. Any advice please clear blue? ?
Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

We are sorry for your loss.  A recent pregnancy in the last 9 weeks can affect your results - even if you had low results first as the Holder adjusts its sensitivity across a cycle of testing.  We recommend you wait for two cycles before using our tests - you can keep the Holder and unused test sticks for future use.

2 Messages


122 Points

6 years ago

I have a 30 day cycle. I’m using cb advanced kit.

The first month, I took the ovulation test sporadically on 3rd,6th,10th day and got empty circle. Then on day18 I got a peak fertility(solid smiley) directly.

Next month, I took clomid from day 4 to day 8.

I took the ovulation test for the first time on day 13 and got a peak solid smiley face directly. I took a blood test immediately to confirm(because I was expecting ov on cd18) and the Blood test showed no lh surge and elevated progesterone meaning that my ovulation has already taken place.

Not sure why the ovulation kit has been misleading.

Does it make a difference in the accuracy if the ovulation tests are taken in middle of cycle?