paula_franca's profile

2 Messages


132 Points

Saturday, June 20th, 2015 5:39 AM


PEAK fertility (with no HIGH fertility on the day before) with Clearblue but Low fertility with other brand

I am using the Digital Ovulation test with Dual Hormone Indicator. Since my cicle is not regular (my last period ended on June 1st) I started taking the tests last Monday (June 8th).
Last Wednesday (June 10th) I couldn't get a proper reading with my first urine (there was no result), so I tested again after about 3 hours but I used the same stick and got a PEAK fertility. Since I didn't get any HIGH fertility on the days before I though that this was a false PEAK (also because I didn't hold the urine for 4 hours as advised), so I continued testing, bought a second pack as I ran out of test sticks.

This week on Wednesday (June 17th) I got another PEAK (no HIGH on the days before). I still had the holder from the previous pack, so just to be on the safe side I took another test on Thursday (June 18th) and got PEAK again but on the same day I used a cheap test from Tesco and the result was that I wasn't ovulating.

My question is: should I continue testing? Can I trust the PEAK fertility results I got this week? Why the result on Clearblue was that I was ovulating but with the other brand it wasn't?

Looking forward for an answer, I am going crazy here!!
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597 Messages


6.4K Points

9 years ago

Hi Paula - You can't rely on a result if you have used  a test stick twice so disregard the earlier Peak.  The Peaks on the 17th and 18th can be relied upon assuming you are suitable to use the product.  Our test is sensitive to 40mIU/ml LH in urine.  It's possible that the other brand of test has a different sensitivity that would account for the differing results.  There is no need to continue testing as you have found the information you were looking for.

2 Messages


132 Points

9 years ago

Thanks :) waiting to do the pregnancy test in 2 days! Very excited :D