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70 Points

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 6:35 PM

Please help

I’ve been taking Clomid because I just don’t ovulate. When I got the test (advanced digital ovulation test) I didn’t know you had to test at the same time everyday. I tested the evening I got the test because I was excited to try it. 
after this I have been testing every morning for about 4-5 days with just a blank circle and this morning 7-24-24 Cycle Day 14 I had a flashing smiley face. Now I’m scared it messed up my test and it’s not real because I tested the first time in the evening may have had diluted pee but I can’t remember and now I test in the mornings. Do you think I’m really about to ovulate or should I just try to start over next month? I’m so discouraged since this is my first cycle on Clomid and I may have messed it all up. 

I did have 4-5 no face circles for one that evening and 3-4 no face circles the mornings after. 
But when I removed this morning the line didn’t look dark to me at all. Is this normal or what should I do? This pic was what my test strip looked like this morning with my flashing smiley face

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