ingrid_zin_g's profile

2 Messages


130 Points

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 9:40 PM


Hi! I'm desperately looking for Ovulation Stripes. I've been in several CVS / Walmarts / Wallgreens and haven't found any. Could you please help me find a store with stock? My zipcode is 19422


2 Messages


130 Points

10 years ago

Already found them! Thanks!

465 Messages


5.8K Points

10 years ago

Thanks for following up to let us know you found them, Ingrid!  Feel free to visit to find local stores or online retailers that carry our products.  Best of luck!

2 Messages


120 Points

8 years ago

Link doesn't let you put in your zipcode.

2 Messages


120 Points

8 years ago

The link does not allow you to put in your zipcode