rnstultz_06's profile

3 Messages


150 Points

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 2:41 PM

Six high fertility days

I started testing on day 13 (due to my cycle length). I received my first high fertility day on day 15, since then I have had 6 high fertility days and no peak day yet. My doctor does have me on Clomid and I know this can mess with the high fertility day results (according to FAQ on the Clearblue website). However I have been experiencing symptoms of ovulation: pains, slight spotting, slippery EWCM. The spotting and pain started on day 17. It is now day 20 and I continue to have high fertility test results. On days 18 and 19 I experienced slight spotting, pain, and slippery EWCM. Is it possible that I am ovulating (or just ovulated) and the peak day isn't showing up on the test? (btw we have BD once a day for the past 7 days) My husband and I have been trying for our 2nd child for around 2 years. Help please. :) Thank you!

3 Messages


150 Points

11 years ago

I should add that I have been using the tests first the in the morning after my longest sleep and only once a day.

465 Messages


5.8K Points

11 years ago

We understand your concern with the number of high fertility days you've seen so far.  The number of high fertility days displayed each cycle may be more or less than 2, and it's normal for some women to see more than 2 high fertility days in all or some of their cycles.  It's personal to you
and reflects your unique hormone changes.

One your digital holder detects an increase in estrogen, high fertility will be displayed.  Your holder will continue to display high fertility until a significant rise in LH is detected.  If an LH surge is detected, peak fertility will be displayed continually for 48 hours.  If an LH surge isn't detected, your digital holder will continue to display high fertility until tests are missed for 3 consecutive days.

Since you mentioned you've been experiencing some signs of ovulation and haven't seen peak fertility yet, please call us at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference #FB259.  We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET, and we'd like to chat so we can learn more and talk through your questions.  We wish you the best!
