sarah_hohmann's profile

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130 Points

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015 5:31 PM

Smiley face not going away after 48 hours....

I have the "purple" cap ovulation kit (4 most fertile days). Is it normal to only get the solid smiley face? I never had the flashing smiley face show up. Also, the solid smiley face has stayed on the display longer than 48 hours. What does that mean? I still have more than half a box of sticks left. Thanks for the help.

1 Message


112 Points

9 years ago

Mine is stuck on the solid smiley face too!!! It won't clear off so that I can take another test. :( Waste of $45.
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597 Messages


6.4K Points

9 years ago

Peak Fertility (non-flashing smiley face) is designed to remain constantly on the display for 48 hours.  If it stays significantl;y longer than that then please call your local Careline for help.

This test is different from other ovulation tests in that it tracks the changes in 2 hormones throughout the menstrual cycle: estrogen and LH.  If the necessary changes in estrogen are detected, the holder will show High
Fertility (flashing smiley).  And if an LH surge is detected, the holder will show Peak Fertility (solid smiley).  It’s possible for the holder to change from Low to Peak without displaying High Fertility.  This can happen if your estrogen level isn’t high enough to be detected by the test, if your hormone changes occur on the same day, if a test is inadvertently missed, or if testing begins too late in your cycle.  You can be assured that you’ve still found your two best days to conceive.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

I had my first solid smiley face (on Wednesday) which lasted 48 hours I tested again today (Sunday) and again I have the solid smiley face? What does this mean? 

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597 Messages


6.4K Points

@Jade​ The LH Surge typically lasts 1-2 days so this is longer than typically expected.  Please do contact us here Contact Clearblue with your product to hand and we will be happy to assist you further.  Please mention case number 2230178 when you get in touch.


Clearblue Team

1 Message


62 Points

Hello this happened to me as well. It’s a shame because I planned my insemination based on the first Smiley face. 

1 Message


60 Points

1 year ago

Hi I done a test on Sunday which showed a circle, then tested again on Monday which then showed a solid smiley face, then again it has the solid smiley face on Tuesday and is still stuck on a solid smiley face on Wednesday ( 3 days later) 

Please can you help as last month I got 2 days of flashing then 2 days of solid smiley face which then disappeared 

4 Messages


100 Points

1 year ago

Hi, I done a test on Monday which showed a circle, then I tested again on Tuesday which then showed me a solid smiley face, however when I tested it again this morning (Wednesday) it showed a circle. What does it mean? Please help as I thought it must stay on the reader for 24-36 hours. We have been trying to conceive for 5 months now. We had 2 previous ectopic pregnancies and sadly I've lost one tube. I would really appreciate the help.

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597 Messages


6.4K Points

Hi Tanya!  Does your Holder have a pink or a purple eject button?  The solid smiley only stays for 48 hours on the purple Holder.  It will clear after about 8 minutes from the Pink Holder but you have still found your 2 most fertile days so can stop testing.

4 Messages


100 Points

@sally​ I'm using the pink holder. Thanks for coming back to me x

1 Message


60 Points

1 year ago

Hi, I have the purple ovulation stick, it showed up with a solid smiley face( peak fertility) this morning and I saw it should remain in there for 48hrs. The smiley face is gone already, does that mean it was a false reading? 

1 Message


60 Points

11 months ago

Hi, I have the purple cap ovulation detector. I received a flashing smiley face 7 days after the first day of my period, which continued for 3 more days (my period cycles last 30+ days). I then received a static smiley face which has been “stuck” on the holder for 72hrs and has still not gone away. 

I bought a new pack for the holder and tested again. This time the holder went from a blinking holder icon (once I urinated in the stick) to a blank screen. When I pulled out the strip to dispose of it, the circle appeared in the holder. 

Are both occurrences “normal”?

Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

@Jcnyc​ Thanks for getting in touch!  It's normal for Peak Fertility to stay on the screen for about 48 hours.  We recommend you stop testing once you have seen Peak fertility as you have found your most fertile time. If you choose to test again with a new Holder, your new Holder does not have the previous information from earlier in your cycle and is also unable to display High Fertility on the first test so your result can only be Low or Peak fertility on the first test.  If you leave the test stick inside the Holder until it goes blank, your last result will reappear for 2 minutes when you eject the test stick.

1 Message


60 Points

10 months ago

I like many others started with a blank smiley and then the next day displayed peak fertility. I have now had a week of peak fertility displaying (purple eject button). Is this likely a clear blue malfunction? 

3 Messages


90 Points

It is normal. Once you have reached peak you should stop testing, this starts the most fertile days for 48 hours. You should stop testing once you get the solid smiley.

2 Messages


70 Points

4 months ago

I am using purple ovulation kit. I’ve done my first ovulation test on Thursday and I got solid smiley face on my first test. Today is 3rd day and still that smiley there. What does it mean? 
i am confused with this test now. Please help. 

2 Messages


70 Points

4 months ago

1 Message


60 Points

2 months ago

Hi, i’m using the purple holder i was using the test from my previous cycle and i got the flashing smiley face for 6 days and then I thought the test might be broken so I opened a new one (on the same day) and got the static smiley face on the first test. Is this normal? Was the previous test broken? 
