1 Message
120 Points
Smiley Face (peak) before flashing smiley face?
I started using Clearblue digital ovulation tests this month and test every morning around the same time. I got my period on June 13th this month and have an average 32 day cycle. So Monday, June 22nd was day 10 and I began testing on Tuesday, June 23rd - Day 11. On Friday, June 26th, I tested and received the Smiley face = peak fertility. It said I didnt need to test after, but being curious I did and received flashing smiley faces for a couple days following. Is it normal to see the smiley face/peak fertility PRIOR to flashing smiley face/LH surge? From what I read, you should have a LH surge prior to ovulation. Mine seems to be backwards and I'm wondering if others have experienced this, is this normal, or was the test wrong.
597 Messages
6.4K Points
10 years ago