brenda_doan's profile

2 Messages


130 Points

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 12:48 PM

Straight from low fertility to peak just one day!

This is the second month that I used Clearblue Advanced Ovulation kit. The first time i used it I had about three low days and the fourth day it went straight to peak (no flashing smiley face). This month I bought a whole new kit and this time I had one low day and the second day it went straight to peak! My cycle from April to May was 31 days so I started the test on day 10. Is there something wrong?

2 Messages


130 Points

9 years ago

If the tests keep doing this will it cause me to constantly miss my fertile window?

3 Messages


84 Points

It’s more than enough to have intercourse on the peek day because that’s when you most likely to get pregnant 

83 Messages


890 Points

9 years ago

Thanks for getting in touch, Brenda.  If the necessary changes in estrogen are detected, the holder will show High Fertility (flashing smiley).  And if an LH surge is detected, the holder will show Peak Fertility (solid smiley).  It’s possible for the holder to change from Low to Peak without displaying High Fertility.  This can happen if your estrogen level isn’t high enough to be detected by the test, if your hormone changes occur on the same day, if a test is inadvertently missed, or if testing begins too late in your cycle.  You can be assured that you’ve still found your two best days to conceive. We hope this helps!

1 Message


64 Points

1 year ago

Brenda, do you have any updates? Was the test identifying your peal correctly? This happened to me as well 

1 Message


62 Points

1 year ago


I am having the same issue. Few months ago i had 2 months were it was no fertile days to ovulation day then last month was normal ie highly fertile days then ovulation day.

Now this month is no fertile days straight to ovulation day today. Now i have a dull pain in my right side. 

 I am using the clear blue ovulation kit. 

Starting to think there is something wrong as i had a miscarriage last October.

3 Messages


84 Points

1 year ago

something similar happened to me … it was low fertility then it went to high fertility for 3 hours then peak.. and we had intercouse on the same day and I got pregnant . 
it just means that your hormones peaked together..and that seems to be normal  ..

3 Messages


84 Points

1 year ago

I had a similar experience . It was low then the next morning it was a flashing smile for 2 hours and then peak. We had interx on that day and I got pregnant.. it was a chemical pregnancy and I miscarried before week 5

1 Message


60 Points

8 months ago

The same thing happened to me. I decided to try the Clearblue digital ovulation test kit to determine about when I ovulate in my cycles and know when not to be sexually active. I don't want to get pregnant but I have no health insurance due to my husband recently & abruptly quitting his job. I had my expired hormonal mirena removed January 10th with plans to have the new mirena placed when health insurance through his new job kicks in. My husband doesn't want to pay out of pocket. Until I get the new mirena I prefer not to be active on the days or even week surrounding ovulation.

My 1st period post-mirena removal began January 31st and ended 3 to 4 days later. On Feb. 6th I noticed being intensely in the mood so took the ClearBlue ovulation test that night and received the "O" result indicating I was not at high or peak fertility. The next morning not even 12 hours later, i took another test and got the "peak fertility" result and wasnt able to test another 48 hours. It surprised me because I did not know you can ovulate that early in your cycle at like day 7 or 8. 

2 Messages


70 Points

8 months ago

I am glad I came across this blog! 

CD9 this month I tested with Clear Blue Digital (4 best days to get pregnant) and it showed no detection. CD 10 of testing was peak day!!! Wait what?!? CD 11-18 no detection and since CD 19 I have had high fertility days 🤷‍♀️ I hope this peak day was a true peak day. Last month wasn’t like this as peak day was CD14 so I am so confused! 1 week after this CD10 peak day I was so super moody, like, it was without a doubt hormonal!


1 Message


60 Points

8 months ago

Similar experience here too! I had one day of testing with no fertility, then the next day peak. The smiley disappeared though and did not last the 48 hours I was expecting. 

2 Messages


70 Points

8 months ago

So frustrating! I actually just purchased Inito monitor and on the first day it showed low fertfiitu. Keep in mind this is personalized and gives actual numbers for your hormones. I had one CB strip left and it showed high fertility. Like WTH! Still showing low fertility with my inito

14 Messages


270 Points

8 months ago

Hi everyone 

I am day 7 of cycle, or day 7 post miscarriage. My bleeding stopped on day 3, and I have small an amount of brown discharge now. I did a test (4peak days) on day 5 which was negative and today day 7, it’s gone to peak fertility. I do have some cramps but other than that, don’t feel like I’m ovulating. Any suggestions ?

4 Messages


104 Points

7 months ago

These tests are making me feel crazy. Last month I went straight from "o" to peak fertility on CD12, whereas the previous month I had like 15 days of the flashing smiley and apparently hit peak on CD19, now this month CD7 I test for the very first time (and witha new holder) and it shows me as peak - no "o" test at all, even thought I thought there was meant to always be a baseline reading each month. I'm also tracking by BBT and that doesn't show a rise yet, so I'm starting to feel these tests are overpriced and utterly useless

14 Messages


270 Points

Oh goodness, this would be doing my head in! I would suggest buying the cheapies and doing one at 11am every morning. LH rises between 10am-12pm. Agree that there is always meant to be a baseline low, before any high or peak is displayed. 
do you get any symptoms around when you think you might be ovulating ? 

4 Messages


104 Points

Great tip - I think ill do that going forward. I do tend to get ovulation pain so always pay attention to that, but my discharge I find confusing so don't find that a helpful indicator, hence starting to measure BBT as a way of trying to measure

14 Messages


270 Points

Yeah, I’ve had ovulation symptoms but with no egg white discharge and then have had LOTS of egg white discharge but without any ovulation symptoms. It is all very consuming and easy to get obsessed with. 

1 Message


60 Points

Hi - this is delayed and so not even sure if you will see this but you will pretty much always get a negative result the first stick on a new reader. It’s reading your base line. So that first one on a new reader could have been a flashing smiley, but you hadn’t used it before so it was a negative, next day peak. Try and use the same original reader ever time, even if you get a new box of sticks so that you don’t waste that first one every time. 

good luck! 
