3 Messages


90 Points

Thursday, March 9th, 2023 5:41 PM

Two Peak Ovulation Results?

Hi I had a peak OPK on my first test this month which was CD10 of a usual 29 day cycle and continued to test because its only my second month of using them. It went back to low for a few days then crept up to high gradually for a few days then I had another peak on CD19 but I was severely dehydrated - does anyone know which is likely to be the most accurate?! 

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597 Messages


6.4K Points

1 year ago

Hi Jade - if you have multiple LH Surges in a cycle of testing we recommend you have a chat with your doctor about your results - best wishes!

2 Messages


70 Points

1 year ago

we're  you pregnant?

3 Messages


90 Points

@diana​ Nope. It seemed that my cycles were all over the show since coming off the pill and have only recently just had my first (1x) peak with the strongest test line! I don’t test as early now and it’s actually a lot more tricky to track those important fertile days but that might not be said for everyone. Fingers crossed for you! 
