2 Messages


80 Points

Monday, November 11th, 2019 4:23 AM

Two tests, same urine, two different results.

I finally got a solid smiley yesterday after 8 days of testing. I have two boxes so I curiously used the second box (so new digital holder) on the same urine sample and got the circle - indicating no high or peak fertility. But the original digital holder that I have been using for 8 days showed a solid smiley (2 days of circle, 5 days of flashing smiley and then day 8 got solid smiley). I was so excited for solid smiley but now the second test showed a circle I am disappointed. Are the tests accurate? Could one be faulty? How do I know if I oluvated or not? Also we dtd yesterday, on the day of solid smiley, and now my partner literally left an hour later for two weeks away at work so we have no other opportunity to dtd. What would my chances be of sex just once?

Brand User

597 Messages


6.4K Points

5 years ago

Hi kms,

The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test establishes a baseline on the very first test done in a given cycle, it is therefore important that the first test is done on the correct day for your cycle length and the same Holder is used consistently throughout the cycle as conflicting results can be seen if more than one Holder is used.

The Holder tracks your hormone changes and adapts its sensitivity; becoming more sensitive to LH when the same Holder is used in one cycle. If you are suitable to use the test; this information can be found on the box, then your Peak Fertility result will be over 99% accurate, you can stop testing as you have found your two most fertile days.

Both Holders will automatically reset themselves and can be used again, just remember if you need to test again next cycle, use one of the Holders you have with any remaining test sticks.

Having intercourse during the time the solid smiley is dispalyed will maximise your chances of conception. Typically you would ovulate within 24-36 hours of seeing Peak Fertility.



2 Messages


80 Points

Thanks for your reply Sam - but I still think the tests are not accurate. This is how they have been working for me. Using the same urine. Please note the day numbers are not the same as what cycle day I am at, but just the day 1 of using the tests.


Day 1: circle --- no test R2

Day 2: circle --- no test R2

Day 3: flashing smiley --- no test R2

Day 4: flashing smiley --- circle

Day 5: flashing smiley --- flashing smiley

Day 6: flashing smiley --- flashing smiley

Day 7: solid smiley (for 48 hours) --- circle

Day 8: couldn't test R1 --- circle

Day 9: got another solid smiley --- flashing smiley

(tested again once solid disappeared )

Question 1. The tests don't match up - why would Reader 2 go from circle to flashing, to circle to flashin in a matter of days?

Question 2. Reader 2 has shown a solid smiley twice - which means 4 days of solid smileys in total (48hours x 2 tests) surely it can't show peak fertility for four days??

I have bought a third box which I will use next cycle (hoping I conceived though as dtd on Day 7 when first saw solid smiley) but if I do need to use the new box next cycle, I am not feeling confident that they are accurate.

