zunilda_negron's profile

2 Messages


140 Points

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 12:54 AM

What does it mean to have on and off smiley face and blinking smiley face??

April 7 :)
April 8 :)
April 10 (No smiley face)
April 11 ( No smiley face)
April 12 (No smiley face)
April 13 :)
April 14 :)
April 15 ( No smiley face)
April 16 Blinking :)
April 17 (No smiley face)
April 18 (No smiley face)
April 19 Blinking smiley face
April 20 Blinking smiley face
April 21 Blinking smiley face
April 22 Blinking smiley face ( Took a test in the morning after waking up had a blinking smiley face took a test after work in the evening around 7:30-8pm had just a siley face NOT blinking)

What does this mean to have 4 blinking smiley face in a row?? My last period first day was April 8th ended April 13. Then I had some spotting afterwards on April 15 and 16 also yesterday and had mild cramping yesterday after the spotting.

83 Messages


890 Points

9 years ago

Hi Zunilda, thanks for getting in touch! Can we please ask that you call us so that we can learn more and talk through your questions? Our Careline number is 800-321-3279 and we're open weekdays 08.30am-05.00pm ET. Please quote reference number '1732549A' if you call us. Hope to hear from you soon!