2 Messages
140 Points
when exactly do you ovulate and how long do you have to have intercourse?
When you see a solid smiley, it means that you have the LH surge, right? Does that mean that you are ovulating or that you will be ovulating in the next 48 hours? It is important to know because let's say you get a flashing smiley monday at 8am, then on tuesday 8am you get a solid smiley, your surge could have appeared between monday 8am and tuesday 8am. Hypothetically, if your surge has come on monday 13.00, and since ovulation lasts 24 hours, you have only till tuesday 13.00 to conceive! Yet, the instructions say that you should have intercourse in the 48 hours following the solid smiley result. That can be very misleading since in the case I mentioned, you whould have chances having intercourse, from tuesday 8am till thursday 8am.. This is the one thing I find unclear with using clearblue. Thanks for clarifying.
77 Messages
820 Points
10 years ago
Because sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days, you can actually get pregnant in the days leading up to ovulation as well. When an increase in your estrogen level is detected, High Fertility will be displayed as a flashing smiley. Have intercourse on High Fertility days to increase your chances of conceiving. When an LH surge is detected, Peak Fertility will be displayed as a solid smiley for 48 hours. Once you see Peak Fertility, have intercourse at any time within the next 48 hours to maximize your chances of conceiving.
Hope this helps!