debra_stroineycilley's profile

1 Message


120 Points

Thursday, May 21st, 2015 3:40 PM

When to stop testing?

I began using the digital ovulation kit at day 10 of my cycle (i average 27 to 30 days). I have not yet seen a smiley face. I am wondering how long should I continue testing? Do you continue until your period begins?

83 Messages


890 Points

10 years ago

Thanks for getting in touch, Debra.  Some of the most common reasons for not detecting the surge are starting to test too early or too late for your cycle length, failing to use concentrated urin, missing tests or weak or short LH surge.   However, we'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your qeustions.  Please call us at 1-800-321-3279 and we're open Mon-Fri 08.30am-05.00pm EST.  Hope to hear from you soon!