Thanks for your question, Kyrstie. Our ovulation tests are designed to be used by women who have monthly periods. If you haven't had a cycle in several months, you may want to wait for at least one menstrual cycle and note its length. Once you've determined your cycle length, you can use the instructions to determine which day of your cycle to begin testing.
Our Advanced test works differently than other opk's. Not only does it detect the rise in LH, it also detects the rise in another key fertility hormone, estrogen, which increases in the days before the LH surge. Once the digital holder detects an increase in estrogen, high fertility will be displayed, and it will continue to display high fertility until a significant rise in LH is detected. This explains why you would still see high fertility, even if testing with water, once you've already seen high fertility.
Please let me know if you have other questions. Thanks again!
2 Messages
130 Points
11 years ago
465 Messages
5.8K Points
11 years ago
Our Advanced test works differently than other opk's. Not only does it detect the rise in LH, it also detects the rise in another key fertility hormone, estrogen, which increases in the days before the LH surge. Once the digital holder detects an increase in estrogen, high fertility will be displayed, and it will continue to display high fertility until a significant rise in LH is detected. This explains why you would still see high fertility, even if testing with water, once you've already seen high fertility.
Please let me know if you have other questions. Thanks again!