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Help —— Clear blue digital ovulation test
Help - I’ve been in tracking ovulation since CD11. Today is CD 16 and the monitor shows an error and instructions state to use a new monitor. I’ve bought a new one but will the LH surge be missed now since I’m using a different monitor to what I started with this cycle?
Customer care team (& others)- please help! :-)
Hi! I started using the clearblue advanced digital test kit this month. I have a 25 day cycle. Day 6: Low fertility (black circle) Days 7-9: High fertility (flashing smiley) Day 10 (today): Peak fertility (static smiley) I tested first thing each day and followed instructions exactly. Thr
Ovulation test question
My period ending last Thursday the 25 and I began tested ovulation on Sunday. I did Sunday money and Tuesday and that came back so low fertility, the blank circle. Today I tested, and it was the solid smiley face. I seemed to have skipped my high fertility phase. What does that mean and should I tak
New Ovulation Test
I know that when you first use a new test stick it will always show a negative result as it is getting a baseline reading, but will it still show negative if you test again a few minutes later? I tested again about 10 minutes later and it showed negative again but I got a flashing smiley with my pre
Testing multiple times a day mess up the test?
I received a flashing smiley face on day 15 of my cycle, I read online you can test more then once a day after getting a flashing smiley face to be sure you don't miss your peak surge. I'm on day 19 of my cycle and still having a flashing smiley face. Could testing more then once a day messed up the
Peak smiley display 5dpo?
I have a 31 day cycle on average and from past experience i usually ovulate around 18dpo This cycle has been a bit confusing due to spotting for 5 days before AF so im not 100% sure on cycle day. I took the digital ovulation test on what i think was day 11 which gave me the empty circle, the next da
Trying to conceive with PCOS
wonder if anyone can helpI have PCOS and are currently trying to conceivesince using tablets to help my periods come back I’ve since had one in december 2023.I have been using the clear blue ovulation digital test to try work out if and when I ovulate.recently for 9 days I had high fertility (flashi
Highs and peaks
I’ve had multiple days of high and two peak readings during my cycle, no period yet. My last peak was Jan 16th & today I received another high result today. What does this mean to have more then 1 peak and multiple days of high throughout the month. I take these along with the strips and the str
Ovulation Test interpretation
I tested at 11, 13 and 14 DPO at 9 AM, 5 PM and 9 AM each day and received a circle, circle and solid smiley face. I didn’t see any flashing faces before getting the solid face. How do I interpret this? False positive? the solid face won’t go away. Is that how it is supposed to be? It’s been 5 hours
7 days of high no peak
I have been testing this month for 8 days. I got 1 low then the next 7 were high. Should I keep testing until I get a peak? I have an irregular cycle so I'm afraid I won't get a peak this month. Last month I got 4 highs then a peak.
4 straight days of solid smiley
I got 4 days in a row of solid smiley peak ovulation (tested twice 48 hours apart). Why? Was the first peak fertility detection from Clearblue inaccurate? This is what happened… I have a 31 day cycle and ovulate on day 18. I know this because I track my BBT and take LH tests from various bra
Solid smiley face question
Last month I had a solid smiley face a few days into using my advanced digital ovulation test but ended up not getting pregnant. I am using the kit again this month with the leftover sticks. I am getting flashing smiley faces but I am curious if it will show a solid smiley this time because I alread
Peak Fertility but no High fertility tested
Hello, I have had two months of testing - both days Peak fertility appeared on day 10. It went straight from Low to peak fertility. Does Peak fertility test the LH surge and the rise in estrogen? Or does a rise in estrogen have to be present in order for an LH surge? Thanks, Steff
Digital test
I’ve just bought my digital test, and have used this before. However this one I just purchased is not working?
Testing after peak fertility
I’ve been testing twice a day and got a smiley face on Wednesday and then peak in the evening so tonight the 48 hours should be up. I’ve just tested with another test after curiosity and it’s negative should I have sex before tonight or is my peak fertile window over.
Solid smiley face gone after 48 hours meaning
Hi, newlywed here and we're trying for a baby. I had blinking smiley face (high fertility) from 12/21 to 12/26. We had a few intercourses during this window. On 12/27, my test result had a solid/steady smiley face (peak fertility). It displayed that for 48 hours. We intercoursed everyday from the
Missed testing for one day
So I tested for a few days showing low fertility (circle symbol) then I missed a day for testing, after that I tested and it showed the still smiley (peak fertility) how likely is it that the day I missed was a still smiley face too? And have I missed my chance of pregnancy? My device is still showi
Peak fertility result on first day of use (Day 8)
Using the digital OPK for the first time. I have fairly irregular cycles which are around 27-28 days long but based on body temp and crrvical mucus I think I ovulate around day 16 and have a short luteal phase. Anyway, to be safe I thought I would start with the OPK on day 8 so as plenty of time to
Expensive fertility tracker totally unreliable
I have used my Clearblue fertility tracker successfully for the past four months. This month, I set up my cycle as usual and started testing per the instructions. Firstly the system is designed to waste your money because you have to start testing on day 6, which is ridiculous. I have now done 15 d
Is it possible to test every morning for 8 days and miss the smiley face?
I did 9 tests during my fertile window at approximately the same time every morning and this month no smiley face ever appeared. It’s the first month I have never saw a smiley face come up.