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Brand User

We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279. Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to a


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks


Brand User

No problem - call us with what you do have.


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Sabiha. Your test does not have a normal control line so disregard this result and test again.  We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279.  Please have y


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks


Brand User

Hi Sabiha. Your test does not have a normal control line so disregard this result and test again.  We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279.  Please have y


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks


Brand User

We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279. Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to assis


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, can it be used for more than 1 cycle?

I am using the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test. I got a high peak smiley face last month. I still have more strips left over, can I use them in the same monitor/holder as I used last month?


Brand User

Stop testing once you have seen Peak Fertility as you have found the information you were looking for this cycle.


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Smiley face freezes and won't go away.

I've brought these tests twice now and each time the tester freezes with a smiley face. Then I'm left with strips I can't use because the tester is frozen. I like being able to see the smile but I don't like that before I'm even done with the whole pack of strips the tester freezes and I can't finis


Brand User

Hi Kasie We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279. Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be gl


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, can it be used for more than 1 cycle?

I am using the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test. I got a high peak smiley face last month. I still have more strips left over, can I use them in the same monitor/holder as I used last month?


Brand User

See you Doctor about your missing period.


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 

High fertility 3 days before my period?

I was using pink dye OPK strips for a few months when I decided to switch to using those in addition to the Clearblue Advanced. Both tests coordinated and I am also charting BBT. I definitely am 8 DPO right now, as confirmed by 3 separate ways of charting so. Out of pure curiosity yesterday, I tr


Brand User

We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279. Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to as


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Breastfeeding results

What results would I expect using the advanced test while breastfeeding? I have had 7 flashing smiley faces in a row and I wondered if this was common for breastfeeding women and whether I should continue or not. Many thanks


Brand User

We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279. Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to as


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Error symbol on ovulation test

I purchased a 20 tester, advanced digital ovulation kit. I have more than half the test strips left, but my monitor will not work anymore and has a book/manual (error) icon on the screen. Can I get another monitor mailed to me to use the remainder of the testing strips? Not happy because this was


Brand User

We're sorry this happened Patrice. This indicates that the test was not done according to the instructions and so was unable to read the result. The usual reasons are too much or not enough urine or inverting the test after sampling.  Some u


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Kitty. We are very happy to help if you have a problem with the product.   Please call us at 1-800-321-3279.  Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Jess. Each holder adjusts according to your personal hormone profile with each test that you do. If you introduce a new holder into a cycle, it won't have had time to adjust to your hormone level. In this case, using the same urine sample won't ma


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


2 Tests with 2 Different Results

I've been an avid user of the Clear Blue Advanced Ovulation tests for awhile now. However, I wanted to test the credibility of these tests this go around of ovulation. I had my box from my last cycle and I also purchased a new one so I could test x2 at the same time. This morning I collected my ur


Brand User

We are very happy to help if you have a problem with the product.   Please call us at 1-800-321-3279.  Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to assist you. We


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks


Brand User

You should have sex on High and Peak Fertility days - up to 9 High Fertility days can be normal. Once you see the solid smiley, the next 48 hours are your most fertile time.  It sounds like you have tough scheduling issues to overcome which can


6 years ago

 to the conversation: 


Testing multiple times a day mess up the test?

I received a flashing smiley face on day 15 of my cycle, I read online you can test more then once a day after getting a flashing smiley face to be sure you don't miss your peak surge. I'm on day 19 of my cycle and still having a flashing smiley face. Could testing more then once a day messed up the


Brand User