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Monitor Continued Testing Post Peak
This is my fourth cycle using the Clear Blue monitor. My first cycle I had over 14 days of high fertility followed by two peak days. The next two cycles were fairly “normal” in that I only had 4-6 days of high fertility days before I peaked. This cycle I’ve had 12 days of high fertility. I finally
3 days flashing smiley and then bleeding?
I was due to ovulate on 16th according to calculations but tests were not flashing smiley until 18th and are still flashing smiley today (20th) but now ive noticed bleeding (more like spotting) - any suggestions of what is going on?
clearblue ovulation test advanced digital
I tested on Monday morning and got Peak fertility which stayed for 48h then tested again on Thursday morning and got Peak fertility again. What does this mean? Is the test broken? Please help very confused
Ovulation testing
Im currently using the purple holder and eject button clear blue test digital test. I received a solid smiley face and didn’t realize it was supposed to stay… mine did not and I was able to test again and received a flashing smiley face. What does this mean? Is the test faulty?
Ovulation testing
I used clearblue pink to track my ovulation last night I got a steady smiley face then this morning I’ve used again and is only showing a blank circle but then I’m also using clearblue the blue ones and only getting a flashing smiley face nothing else
4 days dpo still showing high fertility.
I had 4 days of high fertility before peak fertility. And now I’ve had 3 days of high fertility after ovulation. And now I’m confused.
Reading the monitor correctly
I get regular periods 28-29 days. My ovulation cycle however has been a bit off I got low ⭕️ sign and then next day it was a solid smily. Which means peak. 2 days later I tested it was low again. On day 4 when I tested agin it was a flashing smiley .. what is going on ? I am confused
Clearblu monitor not turning on
Pretty much the title, I put the correct batteries in, it turns on and then the button does not turn it off. Once it auto turns off, I cannot turn it on. I am unable to call the help number as it appears to be not active?! Any advice? Has this happened to you?
Going from peak to low fertility in 2 days
I keep getting low and high peak but no Peak and sometimes low to peak is this normal ? of I try during those days will I get pregnant ? I am 33 and have regular periods
OvulationTest not working stays in Happy face
I purchased and used used the ovulation test and the first 2 days gave me the results correctly after that day the screen monitor stayed in the stable happy face and never turned off or let me take any retest the next day, I do have the case. in the instructions says to contact help line but no way
Smiley face (solid) disappear on the screen after the result shown on the screen for 5-6 minutes
I got my first smiley solid face this month. And as it stated the result should remain constant for 48 hours in the screen. Any reason why my solid smiley face disappear after the result shown on the screen for 5-6 minutes?
Solid smiley disappear in 10min
Hi, I done the test on Monday which was a solid circle, I then tested it again on Tuesday and it showed a solid smiley, however this morning (Wednesday) I got a solid circle. Please advise as I thought the solid smiley must stay on the reader for 24-36 hours.
3 positives after an hour
I have done these three test each morning for the last three mornings and all have shown a negative until an hour later . I am 5 days late for my period. Why is it showing up positive after an hour each morning?
Digital ov test confusion
Hello, can jumping from low straight to peak in one day normal? I tested early and on time the same time every day . From CD 6 to CD 12 I tested low (blank circle) and then boom! CD 13 went straight to peak (solid smiley face) and skipped high fertility (flashing smiley face) . Is this normal and do
Missing peak
I first tested Friday and got a flashing smiley I then forgot to test sat and Sunday (is it possible i got my peak on those days and missed it) i tested again yesterday and today and got flashing smiley. If I missed my peak would the reader still show a flashing when I tested or would it show low ?
Unable to use holder symbol
Hello, I just open this test kit with 20 tests in it and obviously need it for this cycle of trying to conceive and it showed me the symbol of the book. When I read in the book, it says that symbol means I can no longer use that holder. Can I please get a new one shipped to me ASAP, as I need this a
positive and negative result from same sample
Hello, Today it was first day of testing in this cycle. I used the ovulation test (4 more fertile days) and got solid smiley face - peek fertility. I then used another test from 2 best days I had from my previous cycle (same holder, obviously unused strips), and it came back negative. I used same ur
Can we trust a peak if we accidentally switched between different boxes of sticks?
Hello!My wife and I used the Clear Blue Monitor this month and accidetally drew from two seperate boxes of test sticks. Fertillity was low through day 19, high for day 20 and 21, and peak on day 22. Can these results be trusted even though we accidentally used two seperate boxes of test sticks? Th
clear blue ovulation
Hi, today I finally received a high fertility reading on day 18 of my cycle, do this indicated that my estrogen is increasing
Ovulation Test
Hi there, I have been using Clear Blue Ovulation Test (predicting 4 or more fertile days) and I didn't realise you're not able to switch between holders within a cycle as I had three unopened in a bag so they got mixed up but prior to this I had only been using one consistently. Yesterday,