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Brand User

Hi Flavia - Yes, we recommend sticking with a single Holder per cycle so changing Holders may explain the lack of High Fertility days. The Holder is designed to display an error message if it's not able to read the test sticks so as you have a Peak


9 years ago

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Advanced: From empty circle to smiling face! Plus blurry lines in the sticks!

Hi, my cycle is 26-28 days. I used Clearblue digital day 6 and 7 (empty circle) (I had 2 sticks left from my previous cycles). From day 8 I started with Clearblue Advanced a new package and new device. Day 8 and 9 I had empty circles. Day 10 I had a smiling (not flashing) face. Could I have missed t


Brand User

Hi Ashley - we're sorry to hear that.  We'd like to resolve this for you - we understand your frustration.   Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279 and give reference 1710367A.  We're open weekdays from 8:30-5:00 ET. 


10 years ago

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Monitor reading fertility test error multiple days

I have just started using the monitor this month. The first two days it read low fertility. The third day is was high. The past three days however have all read that there was a fertility testing error. I have done the exact same thing that I have been when the tests were working. I'm really getting


Brand User

Hi Sarah, Peak Fertility (non-flashing smiley) is designed to remain constantly on the display for 48 hours. Your product is not faulty - it's performing as described in the instructions for use.  You have found your most fertile days.  Wi


9 years ago

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Advanced Ovulation Kit not so advanced.

Ovulation test kit worked fine for a few days (well, it gave me flashing smileys for five days) and now it is stuck on a smiley face. how do I know if it's a legit solid smiley, or if your testing machine has broken after five days? Certainly wish I could get a refund or an exchange - what a waste.


Brand User

Hi Pia - Yes - if you start testing too late then the test may be unable to show you your High Fertility days however it will always show a Peak at 40mIU/ml LH or more so Peak Fertility will be unaffected. Good luck!


9 years ago

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Switch from low to peak fertility possible when you start testing after increase of estrogen hormone?

Dear Clearblue Team, I have a cycle of 23-26 days. Last month I stated testing on day 7. On days 10, 11 and 12 I had the flashing smile and on day 13 the remaining smile for peak fertility. Two months before I had also tested and the peak fertility was also shown on day 13. This month, I only starte


Brand User

Thanks for your questions and we're sorry for your loss. Once the Holder is showing High Fertility (flashing smiley face) then it will continue to show High while it looks for Peak.  It will only go back to Low Fertility after Peak has been dis


9 years ago

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Flashing Smiley past 9 days and irregular cycles.

Hi there, I have a question about the Advanced Ovulation Kit. I am 35 years old, not on any fertility meds. My cycles had been on like clockwork up until June when I had a very early miscarriage. Since then my cycles have been irregular ranging from my normal 30 days up to 41 days. This month, I beg


Brand User

We're pleased to hear the Monitor worked well for you last time Pao! We have updated our Clearblue Fertility Monitor but the new test sticks (with the purple caps) will still work fine with your original Monitor.  Wishing you lots of luck!


10 years ago

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Getting ovulation sticks for the old fertility monitor?

Hi -- I got pregnant with my first kid using the Clearblue monitor. We are planning our second baby and I want to use the monitor I have again, as it worked great the first time around. But I saw it was discontinued. I've been looking for the ovulation sticks and I'm not sure if the ones I found onl


Brand User
Brand User

Thanks for letting us know Penny and we're sorry for the inconvenience - we'll pass your comments on to the appropriate department.


9 years ago

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Commercials are TOO LOUD

Please lower the volume on your commercials shown on Bravo On Demand. The volume is deafening -- it's way way beyond any rational bounds. I have to get up constantly to turn it down on the computer. It makes me never ever want to buy Clearblue products.


Brand User

Hi Natalie - If there was a problem with the Monitor it would display an error message so it's likely to be working. There are a number of reasons why the Monitor may not be able to detect the hormone changes it is looking for.  We recommend yo


9 years ago

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Crooked sensor?

I have the Clearblue fertility monitor and for the past two cycles I have not shown high or peak fertility (even though I have the last four cycles). When I looked closely at the black sensor I noticed that it looks crooked. The lines used to be straight up and down, but now they are at an angle? Ha


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Jessica - Yes, 4 days is totally normal! Sperm can survive for up to 5 days after sex so intercourse on all of those extra days of High Fertility will increase you chances of getting pregnant.  Wishing you lots of luck! :-)


9 years ago

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4 days flashing smiley

Hi. I'm using the clear blue advanced digital purple kit. I had flashing smiley for 4 days in a row, then solid smiley. Is the 4 day flashing smiley normal? I have made sure to do the deed every other day anyway :)


Brand User

Hi Lee, It doesn't matter what time of day you test if you work shifts as long as it's the first urine sample after you get up - with your shifts that may be 9pm but that's fine :-)


10 years ago

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testing time

I know your suppose to test after your longest sleep but I work 11pm till7am so when should I start my testing


Brand User

Hi Demra - Peak Fertility is designed to remain on the screen for 48 hours.  You product is working exactly as intended.  Have intercourse at any time during this time to maximize your chance of getting pregnant.  Stop testing


9 years ago

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Digital Reader that has not reset

On Tuesday, 13 July 2015, I purchased a Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, with 20 test sticks and there has been a smiley face on the screen for the last 24 hours and prior to yesterday it disappeared after the test was finished. For the price we pay to get those kits I expect them to work


Brand User

We're sorry to hear that Catherine - it's not what we expect to see. Please call your local Careline who can look into this for you.


9 years ago

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Used the advanced digital ovulation test for 5 days and the low fertility symbol (blank symbol) gets stuck? Is there a way to reset?


Brand User

Hi Carrie - The Peak Fertility symbol (non-flashing smiley face) is designed to remain constantly on the display for 48 hours to indicate your most fertile time. The Holder will then automatically reset ready for the next cycle but you can't manuall


9 years ago

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Tester will not reset

Hi. I recently purchased the two month ovulation kit. I am having a problem with the tester as it's not resetting. It has been stuck on the smiley face indicator for the last month. I have tried a few times with new test sticks, but the test won't reset. Is there a way to reset the test? I still hav


Brand User

Hi Lisi - The test responds to your personal hormone profile. 'High' is shown when an increase in estrogen is detected.  'Peak' is shown when an increase in LH is detected.  Peak can be seen without High if tests are started to late in a c


9 years ago

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possible false positive "peak" reading

I have just started using the digital ovulation test. I got several days of a negative result, then today got a peak result, with no high results in between. I used a different brand and got a clear negative. Is it possible to have a false positive, and if the positive is true, why did the precursor


Brand User

Hi Ines. Our Advanced Ovulation Test is designed to be used across a cycle for best results.  It's likely that the negative test did not have sufficient information to find your fertile status.  You can stop testing now for this cycle as y


8 years ago

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i have two advance digital ovulation test packs this morning i took them an one said peak fertility and the other no fertility, Im confused :/


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Alyssa - Normally High Fertility days are seen prior to Peak but it's possible to go straight to Peak if the estrogen increase has already started when you begin testing or if it happens very close to the LH Surge. If your cycles vary then test a


9 years ago

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Smiley Face (peak) before flashing smiley face?

I started using Clearblue digital ovulation tests this month and test every morning around the same time. I got my period on June 13th this month and have an average 32 day cycle. So Monday, June 22nd was day 10 and I began testing on Tuesday, June 23rd - Day 11. On Friday, June 26th, I tested and r
