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We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference 1869468A. Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00p

Error on screen before starting the test

I got my testing kit today and each time I insert a test the initial 3 things will flash and then the "ready" symbol appears. about 5 seconds later every time the booklet with the arrow comes on. It keeps saying error and I have followed instructions to a "T" What can I do? These are expensive hopin


Brand User

This was a feature of our old style Monitor that is now obsolete. It was used for quality investigations only.  The monitor does not store actual hormone levels.


7 years ago

 to the conversation: 



Hormone numbers stored in fertility monitor?

I use an old style Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. I heard somewhere that the actual hormone levels--numbers--are stored in the machine, even though the monitor only tells me low, high, or peak. Is this true? If so, how can I access the actual hormone levels?


Brand User

We're glad you chose Clearblue to help you on your journey to conceive. Occasionally some women may have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect, or they may not ovulate during a cycle and therefore won't see Peak Fertility - this will


7 years ago

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digital ovulation test

i bought a ovulation digital test, used it for 4 days and now on day 5 when i went to insert the new test my smiley face is still on there and i tried to use it this morning and it wont clear so i can take a test


Brand User

Our tests are sensitive to 40mIU/ml LH and should show a Surge/Peak at this level and above. They can both also show a Surge at levels as low as 22mIU/ml LH and this will depend on batch variation and the previous tests done in that cycle. 


7 years ago

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Difference result from two holders, why?

I have two Cearblue advanced ovulation packs, one is from US, another one is from UK, today I use two holders and two test sticks to test in same time and same urine, but I have two difference test results, one holder shows Low Fertility, and another one shows Peak Fertility, can you let me know wha


Brand User

This usually causes an error symbol (the BOOK and the TEST STICK/Error B) but if the Holder gave you a result then you can rely on it. We'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your questions. Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279 and


7 years ago

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Testing Question

If I dipped the ovulation test then inserted it into the reader does that mean my results aren't valid? I didn't see on the instructions that you are supposed to put it in the reader then dip/pee on the test. I feel like I wasted a whole box of tests if all my tests are invalid now :(


Brand User

We're sorry this happened, Gemms. We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279 and mention reference 1874697A. Please have your purchase receipt, test and packaging


7 years ago

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Confusing resoults

I am very torn I got 2 boxes of clear blue and they are not cheap, 2 days before period faint positive the day of missed period BFN . I`de like a refund or a coupon, something is wrong with those tests .


Brand User

Hi Audrey. No need to worry, you can rely on this result and should now stop testing for this cycle as you have found the information you were looking for.  The smiley face will stay for 48 hours - this is your most fertile time so have interco


7 years ago

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Missed first urine - when can I test again?

I mistakenly used the second urine of the day - having gone to the bathroom at 3:30 AM and forgot to test. I got a peak fertility reading which I read in your pamphlet could be because I did not use the first urine. I understand the smiley face will remain for 48 hours. I am on day 13 of my cycle


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Nikhil - Yes, you can use a Holder in more than one cycle. Just be sure not to change Holders during a cycle of use as the Holder works by gathering information across your cycle.1878142A


7 years ago

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Advanced Digital Ovulation Kit: Reusing holder

For the Advanced Digital Ovulation kit, Can the Holder be used across cycles? Can the holder be used across cycles if no peak fertility was detected in prior cycle? I understand from reading the FAQs that the sticks can be used across cycles but not clear about the Holder.


Brand User

We're sorry this happened, Neil. Your result is not what we expect to see and can't be relied on. You should disregard this result and test again. We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please


7 years ago

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false positive?

My wife took the digital pregnancy test. It came up "pregnant", but instead of a weeks number we got a book error. Is it a false positive?


Brand User

High Fertility will be displayed when an increase in estrogen is detected. Once High Fertility is displayed, the holder will continue to display High Fertility daily until an LH surge is detected or until tests are missed for 3 consecutive days.&nbs


7 years ago

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Was my test faulty

I wanted to know If my test is faulty because I got 6 days of flashing smiley Faces in a row and I take the test every morning at 7 AM with my first morning urine well this morning I just got a circle it never gave me a solid smiley face (my peak). I am very disappointed and have used the ovul


Brand User

We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. Please call us at 1-800-321-3279. Please have your test and packaging handy. We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm ET and will be glad to a


7 years ago

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Was my test faulty

I wanted to know If my test is faulty because I got 6 days of flashing smiley Faces in a row and I take the test every morning at 7 AM with my first morning urine well this morning I just got a circle it never gave me a solid smiley face (my peak). I am very disappointed and have used the ovul


Brand User

Hi Kimberly. Thanks for getting in touch.  No, the test strips can only be used with the type of Holder they are intended for. We'd be happy to chat if you'd like to talk through your questions.  Feel free to call us at 1-800-321-3279 a


7 years ago

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Test Strips

I originally started using the Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, but have since switched over to the standard (which just gives a yes or no). I still have test strips left over from the advanced test. Can I use those strips with the standard test? Thank you!


Brand User

Hi Mary. Were you seeing a blinking smiley face (High Fertility) or a non-blinking smiley face that stays on the screen for 48 hours (Peak Fertility)?  If you were seeing High Fertility, you should continue testing with the old Holder but use t


7 years ago

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New kit different results?

I was showing peak fertility for 6 days and ran out of test strips, so I purchased a new pack and expected to see peak fertility but the test showed low fertility. Is this due to the new kit?


Brand User

Yes, you'll need to buy another pack the same as the first pack you bought.


7 years ago

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asking about ovulation test

Hi...i bought clearable digital ovulation test with 7 test sticks,i use them all but i need more ..if there is test stick that can buy it alone??? or need to buy a new one???? thank you


Brand User

Both the test sticks and the Holder have an expiry date printed on them. If you need new test sticks, then you'll get a new Holder included in the pack anyway so use the new Holder. Good luck!


7 years ago

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Using OPK digital unit from 2015?

Hi there! I used the clearblue advanced digital OPK back in 2015 when TTC my first child and it worked great! I want to use them again in the next few months in trying to conceive our second. I am wondering: will the digital unit from 2015 still work? Will it need to recalibrate or anything; is ther


Brand User
Brand User

The number of High Fertility days displayed each cycle is personal to you and may be more or less than 2. It’s normal for some women to see more than 2 High Fertility days in all or some of their cycles. High Fertility will be displayed when an


7 years ago

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No Peak

Is it possible to start using the test too early in your cycle? I started on day 8 or 9 and this month (realize now it should have been day 11). I had a blank circle and then a week of flashing smiley faces but no solid smiley face indicating peak. What are the reasons there was no peak?


Brand User

Hi Jennifer. If you are not using first morning urine you may get misleading High Fertility results but you can rely on Peak Fertility results.  We recommend switching to the normal digital ovulation test (the pink one) as that can be used at a


7 years ago

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OPK screw up?

I know I didn't do this right this month. Last Wednesday I got a negative in the morning and I tested again at night and got peak. I later re-read the directions and learned I'm only supposed to test once a day. Because I realized I screwed up, on Saturday I tested again - got negative. But Sunday a


Brand User

Hi Kitty. The test results should only be read in the first 10 minutes after wetting the test - any changes after that must be ignored.  Your result within the read time was an invalid test so you'll need to retest.  We are happy to look i


7 years ago

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Plus Pregnancy Test - No Line in Control Window

I bought a Clearblue pregnancy test and it showed a minus in result window. and in control window there was nothing, before even peeing on it. I tried to pee on it and it did nothing. I think I got a dud. I took pictures before I peed on it if you need to see. Thanks
