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Solid smiley next steps
Hi there, I started testing on my day 8th, had to blank circles following by flashy smiley and then the steady one day 11 I waited for 48h, had sex two days in a row during that time. Once the smiley was gone I continued to test my self. yesterday was a blank circle and today steady smiley again -
Ovulation Results
I have been testing for 5 days now. Yesterday morning I received my first "high fertility" result with a blinking smiley face. I took the test at the same time today and received a blank circle (non fertile result). There was never a "peak fertility" day. Can you please advise why this would happen?
If possibly pregnant
So in the past I realized when pregnant I got a few empty circles after ovulation then started to get blinking smiley faces
Two test
I’ve been takin 2 different olvulation kits the clear blue advance today I tested them both wit the same urine and one was blinking smiley faces the other was empty circle how is that possible
Positive digital, negative dipstick opk
Hi all flashing smiley for 3 days, then to peak this morning CD10. My dipstick opk was so negative, there was not even a faint line. any ideas here?
Solid smiley then period 2 days after, I’m confused.
This month my test went like this. Test negative for few days >> then blinking smiley for 3 days >> then solid smiley. All seems perfect but 2 days after solid smiley I got period. So did I ovulate at all? Why did the test find LH surge when I was 2 days away from period? Making this cyc
Straight from low fertility to peak just one day!
This is the second month that I used Clearblue Advanced Ovulation kit. The first time i used it I had about three low days and the fourth day it went straight to peak (no flashing smiley face). This month I bought a whole new kit and this time I had one low day and the second day it went straight
Solid smiley twice in one month
Hi there, I got a solid smiley on Saturday day 12 of my cycle (this is early for me)… partner and I had sex on day 12 and 13. Now it’s day 15, i randomly took another test (i have multiple holders so can’t say if it was the same one, likely not) and got a static smiley again this morning. I also got
2 Solid Smileys in 1 cycle
Hi there I use the clear blue ovulation tests and I had a solid smiley in the morning on Saturday 7th Jan so BD then. I use Letrozole to ovulate so I don’t know how long my cycles usually are because my period had randomly stopped last year. (I am under an OBGYN as I also have a history of Endomet
LH test strips have no line but Advanced Digital Says High Fertility
Im so confused as the tests the cheap ones have no lines and the advanced is still flashing with a smiley face its been 7 days Im assuming i wont ovulate this cycle or i missed it
Confused 😕 3 peaks in one cycle and a bunch of flashing days
I had posted this on a different thread but thought it needs its own. Ill just put my little timetable below so that hopefully someone understands. For the record I ovulate early and get short bleeding days for AF APRIL 9th AF 11th blank circle 12th Peak solid smile 14th blank circle 15th flashing
Empty circle followed by a solid smiley
I have tested in the morning after my longest sleep and I got empty circles. In the 3rd day I have tested again and I got a solid smiley.Is the test result reliable since it skipped the flashing smiley? Is there a chance that the test result was influenced by the fact that I did not test after the l
Two different results.
Hi. We are currently trying for another baby after an ectopic pregnancy. I’ve had 3 cycles now and tracked all these on a new reader. I have the advanced ovulation reader and the standard clear blue ovulation reader. I have taken a result yesterday morning on my advanced reader and it’s gone f
Error symbol on ovulation test
I purchased a 20 tester, advanced digital ovulation kit. I have more than half the test strips left, but my monitor will not work anymore and has a book/manual (error) icon on the screen. Can I get another monitor mailed to me to use the remainder of the testing strips? Not happy because this was
Book showing
Hi, I have taken a test before for ovulation and it worked fine and gave me a result. I went to take it again and got a new stick and that book sign has come up. According to the booklet it says, I need to get a new box wtf, that's ridiculous? Is there anyway I can reset the actual holder?
Why is this?
Took the clear blue advance fertility monitor. I got two high ovulations and two peak ovulations. Baby danced all four days. I did test after the peak just cause I was curious. I got low fertility as expected but the two days after that I for high fertility again. Why would this be?
No flashing face but a stagnant smiley face
Hi! I’ve been testing a day before I’m supposed to ovulate and get a circle. I text the next morning and get a stagnant smiley face. Why don’t I ever get the blinking one?
From High Back to Low Without a Peak
I've been using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor for about four years now. It detected a rise in Estrogen followed by a surge in LH after having my first child, which resulted in my second child. It did the same thing after my second child, which resulted in my third child. Now, I am using the monito
Difference between a solid smiley face and a blinking smiley face?
I know when the smiley face appears it is your peak time. What does it mean when the smiley face appears but is blinking?
Pregnancy test
I took a clear blue 6 days sooner test. Nothing showed in the window but I then took it apart and there is a line right before the window showing positive? Can it be possible that the test line was in the wrong spot