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I'm using Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests, and Peak Fertility still on the screen. What does this mean?

Peak Fertility is your most fertile time and will remain on the screen for 48 hours.  Have intercourse during this time to maximize your chance of getting pregnant.  It’s not necessary to continue testing after Peak Fertility has been detected, and it’s not possible to perfo




Brand User

Hi Elizabeth. Every kit comes complete with a Holder but you should stick to one Holder for a cycle of testing so use test sticks from the new box with the old Holder for the rest of this cycle.


8 years ago

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I got a faulty in the Digital test

My sister used Clearblue Digital Ovulation test for the first time, but when she inserted the 1st new test stick into the test holder, the Book signal appeared on the display (is it error No. 18???). But when she then took the stick out, the Book signal still stayed there. So, what is the problem? h


Brand User

That's normal - the day you found Peak Fertility and the next day are your 2 most fertile days. No need to do any more tests - it does not matter how long the LH Surge lasts.  Good luck!


8 years ago

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I got a faulty in the Digital test

My sister used Clearblue Digital Ovulation test for the first time, but when she inserted the 1st new test stick into the test holder, the Book signal appeared on the display (is it error No. 18???). But when she then took the stick out, the Book signal still stayed there. So, what is the problem? h


Brand User

Hi Vanie - You went to Low Fertility because you swapped to a new Holder. Test again tomorrow using the old Holder which will be on High Fertility.  It's always best to use the same Holder for a cycle of testing so it has all the information fr


8 years ago

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Peak fertility

Chat Conversation Start 12:43PM Okay so I started testing on CD4 of my cycle which is the last day of my period I got an empty smiley face. CD5 empty smiley face and then CD 6, 7,8,9, 10 I go blinking smiley faces. I tested in the morning but on CD 11 I ran out of test and didnt test until 12 noon


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Wes - the Holder can detect an LH Surge of 40mIU/ml or more on the first test but for High Fertility results you need to use the test according to the instructions for use.


9 years ago

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Starting testing on/near Ovulation day?

Me and my girlfriend are wondering if it's around her ovulation today, so we bought the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, and took it for the first time and had a "low" reading. If it was during her ovulation, would it read as "high" or "peak" fertility for the first ever reading? Or does


Brand User

Hi April. You can only go by the result on the digital display.  The test is over 99% accurate at detecting the pregnancy hormone at a sensitivity of 25mIU/ml hCG.  Taking apart the test will not tell you anything.  If after a negativ


9 years ago

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Clearblue® DIGITAL Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown possible misread?

has anyone ever taken the Clearblue® DIGITAL Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown apart after taking the test, with a negative result, and the test strip has 2 blue lines (possibly indicating pregnant?)


Brand User

Thanks for your interest Tiffney. We're not currently running this programme but we'll let you know if that changes in the future.  Wishing you all the best!


9 years ago

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Clearblue Fertility Monitor

I saw where several women received the fertility monitor free for a review. I have very irregular periods and believe I would be a great candidate for the machine. I have tried other ovulation predictors and have gotten varied results. I was just wondering what I need to do to apply for the review p


Brand User

We're sorry this happened, Lesvi. Our test shows Peak Fertility when the LH Surge is detected. This Surge usually precedes ovulation but certain medical conditions and medications can affect your results.  If you get unexpected results you shou


8 years ago

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Fasle Positive?

I brought Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Tests and I got smiley faces twices. Come to find out I was never ovulating due to blood test and doctors confirmed. Does the test give false results?


Brand User

Hi Gerianne - Your results are exactly as we would expect for your cycle length. The number of High Fertility days is personal to you and it's normal to have more or less than 2.  Make sure you make the most of your fertile time - you've found


9 years ago

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High and Peak Reading Really Early

My cycle is between 28 and 31 days. I started using the advanced ovulation testing strips on day 10 and got low fertility which I expected. I took the test again on day 11 and got high fertility which I wasn't expecting. Then I took the test on day 12 and got the solid smiley face for peak fertil


Brand User

Thanks for the info Stacey. Please PM us your address and reference 1781031A and we can send out 10 replacement tests for you.  Thanks.


9 years ago

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Clearblue Advanced Ovulation kit problem

I recently purchased a Clearblue Advanced Ovulation Kit and it was supposed to be a 2 month supply and there were only 10(ten) tests in the box. I need to know what to do about this please because I have been trying for my second baby and everyone recommended your product so I tried it and did not g


Brand User

Hi DanielleFor a 29 day cycle, we would typically expect ovulation to occur anywhere between day 13 and day 17 but this can vary so we suggest testing for a couple more days until day 19.The following reasons are why you might not see Peak Fertility


8 years ago

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6 days flashing this normal?

I have a regular 29 day cycle haven't been on and birth control for 3 years- can always sense each month approx. when I'm "O'" and when i'm about to get my period and always on time. This is my first month TTC and I'm on cycle day 18. I've been using the kit where it detects 2 hormones. I've had 6 d


Brand User

Hi Susan. Clomid should not affect your LH Surge results.  The Surge typically lasts 1-2 days so it's normal to see it on one day only.  Good luck!


8 years ago

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Does clomid affect the surge if tested on day 13? Is it common to have a smile on day 13 then no LH surge on day 14?


Brand User

We're sorry this happened, Kathleen. We can't FB message you unless you message us first however you need to speak to our Careline to resolve your issue. We know this is an important time in your life and would like to learn more so we can help. P


8 years ago

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want a refund please

I already confirmed the pregnancy and then took a Clearable advanced digital pregnancy test to see the "weeks along." I followed the instructions and put the tip in the urine for 20 seconds only, although that seemed like a really long time in my opinion. I ended up getting the error message and w


Brand User

The number of High Fertility days displayed each cycle is personal to you and may be more or less than 2. It’s normal for some women to see more than 2 High Fertility days in all or some of their cycles.  High Fertility will be displayed


8 years ago

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High back to Low?

So far i've had 7 days of HIGH, with no peak. Does the Digital screen ever go back to LOW after so many highs? I'm assuming after a while I am no longer in that High (fertile) stage. So do the strips detect when your LH surge goes back down? To let you know when you're no longer fertile? OR will it


Brand User

Hi Gigi - If you see more than 10 High Fertility days we recommend you stop testing for that cycle. It could be that you didn't ovulate and therefore there was no LH Surge or it could also be that you did ovulate but the LH Surge was too low or shor


9 years ago

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7 flashing smiley faces in a row

I purchased the advanced digital ovulation tests, purple top, and have taken it every morning for 7 days. Every single test has come up with the flashing smiley face.. I thought it was supposed to be 2 days of flashing followed by a solid smiley face. Is something wrong with my test?


Brand User

We're sorry to hear that Lena, it's not what we expect - please call the Careline number on the carton or leaflet for further advice and have the product and the packaging with you when you call


9 years ago

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Ovulation test error

the Ovulation test it gives me an error everytime even though I have followed all instructions, what can i do?


Brand User

Hi Stormy - This is the digital pregnancy test with smart countdown.


9 years ago

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numbers on clearable pregnancy test

Hi I have Clearblue prgnancy test and not sure which ones they are as I don't have the box. The packing has TEN4682/2 than the expiration date. What does this mean?


Brand User

Sorry to hear that Amy - what is the lot number of your test from the foil wrapper?


9 years ago

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i have the pregnant sign, no weeks

i'm 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I took the week estimator test and it only gave me pregnant sign not how many weeks I am.


Brand User

Hi Anne, Thanks for getting in touch.  From the information you have supplied we would recommend that if you are using the test in future cycles you start testing on cycle day 13.  It could be that you started testing a little too late for


8 years ago

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Peak fertility with no high fertility days

The first day of the last period was on July 14th (5 days long). I then took the first Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Test on July 28th (15th day) because my cycles vary at about 33 days long. I tested for 4 days and it gave me the circle (low fertility). Then on August 1st it gave me the steady smile
